Ideas to fix Angler scam and EoW/BoC bag

Here are some ideas i’ve come up with to bypass the stupid shenanigans

Now i’m not a developer or anything, but you probably could code something to delete any of the Angler trophies on acheiving, since those are what is causing the scam

Make a command such as “/evilbag” or “/bossbag” that can be continued with eow or boc like /evilbag eow or /bossbag boc
-eow/boc has to be beaten before it works
-can only be used once during the entire run
-what i mean by once is that you can claim /(command here) eow once, and then you can als claim /(command here) boc another time, but not eow bag a second time.
-gives 45 demonite/crimtane (average amount), 15 scale/tissue (average amount), and worm scarf/brain of cthulhu
While yes it can only be used once, it will still be helpful for the majority of players, i.e the ones that don’t constantly grind boc/eow in the server.