I have some bad news

So, my brother got bronchitis and somehow I got some of it so now my throat hurts some and I’m coughing a lot. I will not be on as much until I and/or my brother get better. Sorry for the inconvenience. :frowning:

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I’m sorry man.

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ya that nasty

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Aint nobody got time fo dat

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lol i heard that at camp crestwood or a youth convention."DRUGS! aint nobody got no time for that!

i feel sorry for you,bronchitis really nasty

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I hope you get better soon

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Thank you all. It got more worse since I first made this thread. I am coughing more than my brother, and my brother gave me bronchitis. So that is really bad.

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that’s not good :frowning:

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that happened with a kid at co-op

i got a cld frm hm nd mne lasted longr nd wrser

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Well, I have good and bad news. Good news is that my cough settled down. Bad news is I have a really bad sore throat and I had to stay home from school. I hope this illness goes away soon. And as always, Meow. (see you later)

And to make it even worse, yesterday my aunt’s car stalled in front of a restaurant and the car had to get towed home.

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X__X poor u. i know how you feel tho…sorta.i got a cold from a kid like a month and a half ago and i [i]still[/i] got it!

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That must suck a lot doesn’t it?

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a LOT. it’s going away tho…but still annoying to have sneezy crap all over the place

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He’s being sarcastic.

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oh well i’m not

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im really serious it’s annoying to have to clean my keyboard so much

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Who is being sarcastic?

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you lol

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How am I being sarcastic?

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chenaley said when u said that sucked alot u was sarcastic

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