How to easily beat Cryptic Castle - Melee

Ah, Cryptic Castle, a beautiful zombie map. in this map there are 5 class: Melee, Ranged, Magic, Summoner and a special yoyo Class.
In this post, I’m going to tell you how to beat this map step by step. This map is very easy to beat if you know how to do it, even without any ability. since there’s a lot of weapon choice( including score farming weapon for each class )and cheap Hp cost.

Round 1 - 3

You joined the map, get your melee class and a starter weapon, copper short sword. Then try to get 2500 score to buy The Arkhalis, this gonna be your farming weapon. Then, the next thing you gonna do is to get the ankh shield or sandstorm in a bottle. If you have a lot of scores left you can spend it to buy Hp.

Round 4 - 5

Now you have all the things we need to continue our game. Time to upgrade your armor, you gonna need molten armor or Squire armor. Then you have to upgrade your Hp to 500 - 1200. The granite golem and granite elemental would be a challenging enemy at this round.

Round 5 - 10

At this round there would be a lot of flying enemy which gives you +1000 score. and we gonna boost our melee speed boost here

Now you have the Squire armor, ankh shield, sandstorm in a bottle, and a plenty number of Hp. Next thing you gonna do is to get the Beetle armor which gives you 30% damage and melee speed boost. Then buy 3 Mechanical glove, spaghettis, and ales for max melee speed boost. And the weapon you going to use is The Terra Blade. And don’t forget to upgrade your Hp min. 3000.

Round 10 - 15

Now you’re pretty untouchable because of the high defense armor, a lot of Hp and Terra blade with melee speed, damage, and knock back boost. But we have to prepare for round 16 - 20 and you don’t wanna die to a diabolist and milkyway weaver.

The next thing you gonna buy is Wings, potions and Hp. Try to get the wings earlier because there would be high damaging psycho, and sand elemental. Then you can maximize your Hp to 6000 + 20% boost from lifeforce potion. And now you’re fully prepared for the next round.

Round 16 - 20

And we’re here, bunch of high damaging enemy.
Diabolist, blue armored skeleton, milkyway weaver, scroller, and paladins.

Now you’re going to upgrade your weapon to the Zenith ( meowmere is powerful enough ).

And that’s it you have beaten the Cryptic Castle

Extra tips:
I suggest not to use any ability because it can boost the price for all items, but it’s up to you, you want to use it or nah.

Find a good place for farm at round 2 - 10 . Make sure none disturb you. ( I hate when summoners use that damn portal sentry all over the place. This could be a huge problem for your score farming )

Get a wings earlier if you have enough score at round 6 - 10. For better movement.

Hp cost : 2499

You’ll get a lot of scores when theres ppl leaving at round 12 - 2

And that’s it from me, wish you have a good game.


I like farming enough to buy the 2k dmg weapon.
In round 21 I save solar flare armour to buy it and not lose any, and in round 22 I just save enough to max hp again ;-;
My record is probably around 40 but not because I died, because it was getting too late in the night.

Also I like buying flying knife early and moon lord globe to deal with sand elementals and flying enemies.


Well it’s hard to do score farm in round 20+ without farming weapon. I usually prioritize the armor and hp

And the only problem in round 23+ is not the enemy since you already maxed your loadout, it’s the time and battery of your device( if use laptops or mobile ). My highest record is round 30, I left because of my low battery.

Having the flying blade earlier is a good move because I once get the full stardust armor in round 10 with flying blade. And wtf is moon lord globe? Is it lunar portal sentry?


image *Gravity Globe


Oh My bad I didn’t know that, I thought it was lunar portal staff