I want to send anyone that enters a specific area to a defined warp point.
I don’t mean via a Teleporter and Pressure plate.
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You can the Smart regions (GitHub - ZakFahey/SmartRegions: Executes commands when players enter a region) plugin for Tshock (GitHub - Pryaxis/TShock: ☕️⚡️TShock provides Terraria servers with server-side characters, anti-cheat, and community management tools.), And just do something like /smartregion add <Region name> <Priority value> /tppos <X> <Y>
on a region you added via Tshock
Give it a read on its pages on how to use them and play with the plugins a lil’
tppos doesn’t work because the command should be one that can be executed in the server console (tppos only works in game)
this is a sample of a complete smart region command that works (it uses warp instead of tppos):
/smartregion add reg1 1 warp send [PLAYERNAME] warp1