I have no idea how to be logged in pls help
This and other questions can be found in the FAQ
I am new. I’m just trying to login. I’ve already registered, but it says you are not authorized to make that command so confused
Are you already logged in? If you dont have permission to use that, it means your logged in. You should have the “Member” title
It looks like your already registered and logged in, I have evidence on phase :
Blue should mean your logged in unlike :
which means your guest
Correct me if im wrong.
i need help too, the “Rep Mode thing” when i try to register it says that rep mode is enabled or something and then when i try to login there is no password set
You have probably resolved your own issue with Rep Mode already. To deactivate Rep Mode, you just have to be on the server for about an hour before you can login with your registered account. As a guest, you still have access to all servers except build and survival, and you also have access to most commands anyway.