Hi Techkid here,Just making an intro

Hi names Techkid, Im 24 year old man and im gaming geek. You can find me on steam here http://steamcommunity.com/id/blooddogg/

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Good to know…?

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i saw that and im jst lke: really?

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lol sorry if not enough info ? Im also a huge building fan and love playing terraria like games

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Welcome m8

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ppl don’t usually make a thread introducing themselves.

but yeah welcome ;D

he’s played more ddf (dungeon defenders) than terraria?! ok. wont freak. runs out of room and freaks ok wont freak.

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Yes they do dragon, check under “New members”.

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they do? oh…i didn’t think they did xD

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I dont play dungeon defenders anymore. My house on the server was shameful so i’ve decided to remodel. I really enjoy that house define command. Protecting my house is very easy for me.

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awwwwwwww dun def is fun! i don’t play mush anymore either tho :stuck_out_tongue:


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I prefer /building command I cant get /house define to work


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i had to help him with the define house :stuck_out_tongue:

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