Halloween weapons buff

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Buff halloween weapons from Oct 24-31 by 13%

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
The weapons are: bone sword, stylist scissors, bat bat, tentacle spikes, tragic umbrella, volcano, breaker blade, ham bat, death sickle, horseman blade, eoc yoyo, dark lance, seargeant united shield, vampire knives, blood rain bow, jack o lantern launcher, venom staff, inferno fork, shadowbeam staff, spectre staff, bat scepter, unholy trident, book of sculls, demon scythe, crimson rod, blood thorn, medusa head, shadowflame hex doll, clinger staff

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
It is halloween soon

[Anything else you would like to note]
My replacement crystal ball (Windows 10 laptop, the normal one is at repair) says that half of you will laugh at me.

a lot of those would need velocity buffs and higher damage buffs to even make them usable