Going away for a bit(ERROR!)

I am going away for a little bit because of a recent error I have been running into, this is a graphics card problem, and I have been trying to figure out what’s happening. I will be away UNTIL I find the source of the problem. I will miss you guys, and the server.

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Bye Terry, miss u too :frowning:

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Aww, you’ll be active on Skype right doe?

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Yay :smiley: Well, I imagine we’ll all miss our terraria buddy, but its nice to know I’ll still see ya on Skype :wink: See ya later d00d (:

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Also in the meantime I will be playing League of Legends, if you want to add me, my LoL name is Blightfier.

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I’m working on fixing the issue now, I should be fixing it in a couple of days.

Well then, I only have one choice left. I have to reset my computer AGAIN to get my graphics card up. However, i’ll need to find my portable drive to store the Program Files.

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mixed emotions :slight_smile: &:frowning: at the same time

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[quote=Terrance]I have to reset my computer AGAIN to get my graphics card up[/quote]You mean, re-install windows? Because you can re-install windows while keeping your files.


I have to do a whole system reset to get the graphics card to work again, or I have to get a new computer.

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You can still keep your files though. BIOS and such have nothing to do with your Hard Drive.


Resolved. The error has been fixed, and i am back on the server. I will no longer post in this thread, as it is now useless to me.

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