Glass Castle - Update 1

Hello there. Today I have decided to do some updates and reworks on my first map, Glass Castle. These changes are due to sentries being overnerfed weeks ago, which affects the map as well since it was designed to work good with them. With tank/bank sentry synergy being out of play, I had to take action and adjust as many things as I could in there. I know that sentries were nerfed long ago and this is late, but still better than never and was busier with irl uni, Mystic Library and now a newer map incoming, Pirate Harbour. Anyway, here are the changes that I decided to do;


  • Added more echo blocks above to prevent flying enemies from getting stuck on the roof, making rounds unnecessarily longer
  • Added 2 clouds for any use whoever may want to do, reachable with Bat Hook or Telekinesis

Armor chest

Melee (Glass Warrior)

  • Gladiator armor price reduced from 7500 to 6000
  • Shadow armor price reduced from 20000 to 15000
  • Cobalt armor price reduced from 37500 to 27000
  • [NEW]: Added Crystal Assassin armor at the price of 45000

Ranged (Glass Cannon)

  • Fossil armor price reduced from 6750 to 5000
  • Necro armor price reduced from 27500 to 17500
  • Palladium armor price reduced from 40000 to 30000
  • [NEW]: Added Frost armor at the price of 42500

First accessory chest (right from spawn)


Price of Mechanical Glove and Stinger Necklace reduced from 42000 to 30000


Price of Stalker’s Quiver and Panic Necklace reduced from 45000 to 25000

Third accessory chest

[NEW]: Added Bat Hook in both classes, prices still same

Second ammo chest


  • Price of Wooden/Hellfire Arrows and High Velocity/Exploding Bullets reduced from 12250 to 7000
  • Amount of Wooden Arrows reduced from 175 to 150
  • Amount of Hellfire Arrows reduced from 150 to 110
  • Amount of High Velocity Bullets reduced from 200 to 100
  • Amount of Exploding Bullets increased from 140 to 150

First weapon chest


  • Increased knockback of Gladius from 0.5 to 3
  • Increased knockback of Light’s Bane from 5 to 6.5
  • Reduced use time of Light’s Bane from 20 to 15
  • Reduced use time of Fiery Greatsword from 30 to 18
  • Reduced price of Frostbrand from 65000 to 45000
  • Reduced price of Seedler from 120000 to 75000
  • Reduced price of Keybrand from 180000 to 120000
  • Modded Keybrand to shoot True Night’s Edge projectile
  • Increased the damage of Keybrand from 85 to 99
  • Reduced price of Starlight from 420000 to 360000

Third weapon chest


Price of Solar Eruption reduced from 350000 to 310000


Price of Celebration Mk2 reduced from 666666 to 520000

~ ~ ~ ~

Those will be the changes for now. If you are willing to test them, I’d be more than grateful. If you do and have any more suggestions or feedback on these changes, feel free to leave a reply here. Thank you for reading and your assistance.


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