Fabsol's Appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link: Ban

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
No. As I discussed in my previous appeal months ago, I was not aware that making sarcastic remarks was against the rules. The statements I made were made towards people I knew and they did not deny the rights of their associated groups/ethnicities.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
No. I don’t think it was fair because I hadn’t made genuinely discriminatory or phobic statements towards anyone and I didn’t use profanity or make salty remarks over the game chat. I was also not seen as a problem generally speaking until I was banned for the reasons which I believe are inapplicable.

I did agree in my previously accepted ban appeal that another offense would result in a permanent ban, but I hadn’t committed any documented offenses and I wasn’t seen as a problem. I also highly suggest that a rule specifying that people should not make sarcastic remarks is added if this is going to be made a problem.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I think you should unban me because I’ve done my best to not break any of the rules since I was last unbanned. It’s simply not reasonable to ban someone who wasn’t seen as problematic for something that isn’t documented as an offense. In addition to my suggestion in my previous paragraph, I will also try to be more quiet and refrain from making the same jokes if that helps.

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This is false, for you have stated that you have read the rules “numerous times”, which tells me that you understood what constitutes harassment.
Those sarcastic remarks on frequent occasions were not seen as sarcastic jabs.

Regardless, they were offensive remarks explicitly stated to be against the rules.

Screenshot 2024-12-26 161136

… You most certainly did.

You’ve doxxed a member before.

That appeal was in October of 2023, since then you have made numerous offenses.
Therefore the final result of this appeal has already been signed and sealed.

This has been proven false, your last ban appeal showcased an insane amount of profanity and harassment targeted to players in the server, and those offenses are indeed listed in Dark Gaming Rules as S1#4, S1#5, and S1#6.

You disregarded all that was promised in your 2023 appeal.

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  1. You screenshotted a statement I made before I was even banned by Viri, I would assume the rules have changed in some form since and I was some 13 years old around then.

  2. They weren’t explicitly stated to be against the rules. By racism and discrimination the rules clearly stated that any comments that incite hate speech (such as statements like a certain group of people should be deprived of their rights or killed in a genocide), which should have been obvious.

  3. Most of these screenshots are extremely out of context; I wasn’t discriminating against Helfire because he is an amputee. I made a statement saying that Tratalon was unlikely to lose against Helfire because he’s an amputee; it’s a common sense statement, not a discriminatory one. A random statement about a bomb on a territorial landmass isn’t “discriminatory” either, and the last screenshot was me complaining about my own client-side problems.

  4. I don’t know what you mean by “you’ve doxxed a member before” since I haven’t doxxed anybody in the DG community. If you mean Ninshu, I redacted any information I had posted on him the same day I got ahold of it.

  5. I have went over why this is a problem; none of these issues are documented offenses and I specifically promised that another offense would result in a permanent ban, and there isn’t any profanity in the screenshots shown.

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In format yes, but the rules that you were charged with breaking were there from the beginning.
It is still no excuse to act in such a manner.

Just because they aren’t explicitly stated does not give you the right to maintain your overly toxic behavior.

That is harassment and is targeted towards a player’s physical disability.

This is irrelevant. You’re essentially saying “I deleted the post”, which doesn’t matter because everyone in the server could’ve seen Ninshu’s personal information which is unforgivable.

Screenshot 2024-12-26 161136
Screenshot 2024-12-26 171916

All of these include profanity.

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  1. I can’t know if they were “there from the beginning” if they don’t specifically state that and I tend to act casual around people I know, which is perfectly normal. Again, if this is going to be a problem, write a rule about it. I’ll stay quiet if I am unbanned again to prevent it from happening.

  2. Harassment is abusing or insulting someone on a regular basis, I didn’t directly insult him because he’s armless. I made snarky remarks about it, but never specifically went at him for being disabled. The most I did was say it was unlikely he’d win against an able person because it’s common sense.

  3. I didn’t post his information in Dark Gaming at all and this is completely obsolete because it has nothing to do with the ban and I redacted it from my personal server.

  4. All of these latter screenshots don’t target anyone. Telling someone to get away from me and giving someone a suggestion without directly swearing at them isn’t “profanity.”

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You forget that many players who are directly involved in DG are in your server and have clear access to that information, of which not all have been deleted from your personal server.

You offered to share his private information with a DG member, all of which was in Fabcord.
As this information was shared, anybody including Createye, RGB, Helfire, Azure, Paragon, and many others who are directly involved with DG and play on the server could see the information when it was posted.

Saying it’s “completely obsolete” because it was outside of DG is dumb as any one of those members could’ve used that information maliciously on DG.

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It is evident to me that you are incapable of seeing how your behavior has affected others, how your actions have affected others, and your appeal which contains many blatant lies.

It is for these reasons that your appeal has been denied. All subsequent appeals are to be automatically voided/invalid.

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