DTP Giveaway for the sake of Inventory Space

Well, uh… to those of you who’ve conversed with me before on the Dark Gaming Discord and other similar Terraria - related Discords when Dark Gaming was the topic, it might not be a surprise that I’m somewhat of a hoarder for things. In this case, as of current, for little things in cosmetics that make me chuckle, things like that. Though, it is getting mildly annoying not having much of a way to upgrade inventory space due to stagnated DP gains and a lack of time to go on a hardcore grind, especially so when it comes to opening lootboxes. I can’t even open a voting crate without needing to free up a space, which I can do by putting on a tag but if I get 2 boxes from a level up, that poses a problem for my collector’s side. So… here’s a giveaway of some of the cosmetics or even general items I don’t hold as much value in! Everything that has a poorly mouse drawn red X on it is not up for discussion. Everything else is on offer.


Would you take 200 DP for your Punching Bag title? I can’t initiate the trade unfortunately, as iirc you need 500 DP to do that.


I’d trade for wof mask


Check your trades.

Um… trade what in particular?


orange color? it’s r8
I can also offer dp up to 1000
maybe also credits up to 0.5