DPS Meter Addition

Super simple suggestion: add a DPS meter item to your inventory when you enter a lobby.

I believe the game already gives you the Angler vest and pants, so it wouldn’t be an entirely new function in the code, as far as I know, just an addition.

I believe the PC version of Zombies gives HUDs on the side that display DP, XP, your score, etc. I play on the mobile version, so I’m not entirely sure what this looks like, but it seems to be in the same general area as what items like the DPS meter and Cell Phone show. If those HUDs are reskinned versions of the actual item-provided HUDs like the ones listed above, then this suggestion might not be viable, but if they are different, then this could probably be implemented.

This is also helped by the fact that the DPS meter and other information accessories don’t actually need to go in accessory slots, they only need to exist in your inventory.

this could be implemented by giving the player the informational items. Also, we could really use a tally counter. I killed 25M+ Zombies and i want to see how many other enemies i have killed


If the Zombies dimension works similarly to the Survival one, then everyone’s tallies would add up. Most likely there would be millions killed like in Survival lol.


The items we should have are the following -
image Radar
image Tally Counter
image DPS Meter
image Stopwatch


Other information items like radar, pda, cell phone, etc could also be implemented like this, but I picked the DPS meter in particular since it seems to be the most useful, since a lot of the others would be useless (fishing, time, metal detection)


These all look useful


Replace the Cellphone with the PDA as the Cellphone can also transport players to spawn
And we only need like 4 of the functions


Yeah, that’s why I’m suggesting the DPS meter instead of the cell phone here. The Tally Counter and Radar could be combined into the R.E.K. 3000, it would also add the Lifeform Analyzer which could be useful
help i cant comment anymore bc i am new lol
Guess I should wait until tomorrow, I’ll check on this again then


That’s not a bad idea at all, but you know, Zombie map creators can add those items to the class chest, so when you pick a class you can start with them, maybe I should add those to my map just for fun.


Thing is, i assume most maps were untouched for years and the creators of those maps will most likely not add those to their maps


Radar is a bit useless, don’t you think?

Tally Counter shows the total amount of zombies killed and is world-based, so going into intermission and starting a new game on the same lobby would not reset the Tally Counter.

DPS Meter and -to a lesser extent- Stopwatch should be added globally imo.

Because of this -and me thinking getting a DPS meter from some maps and not from others is weird-, they should definitely come bundled with the Angler Vest and Pants.


I like it! The radar can help to see how many zombies are left because sometimes, we have issues finding enemies… Plus, you would be able to see how many are needed to move onto the next wave! I dont actually see any issues here, which is very great!!

Plus, I completely agree to seeing how this helps mobile players without going into much hard server work!

@popstarfreas Is there any way to edit accessories’ properties to, say, keep the amount of kills on the Tally Counter and make it be reset at the end of each wave?


There’s already information in the sidebar the makes the radar redundant. Namely, “Enemies this Round”


Perhaps they’re referring to the proximity function of the radar as well?


I don’t think that shows up on mobile. Out of all of these, I think the DPS meter is the one that is probably usefull for players. Maybe all of these could be added with a command like /stats show or /stats hide?


I agree whit this idea, i play on mobile and I would really like to see my points/etc.


Already suggested:


Pain of being new, I guess (my forums account joined yesterday). I didn’t read all the posts yet lol. Overall this collective suggestion could be added in the same update that adds custom mob waves, if it’s used.


I think a lot of people liked this idea, is it going to be added?


Well custom mob waves got this many voted and was accepted, so probably unless the average votes increase