Disallow impersonation of guests and system messages

Disallow color and tag impersonation of guests and system messages

On my opinion, it is really confusing. For example, guest sees another “guest” play survival, but he cant join too because he has to register. Same unnecessary confusion is created if person impersonates system messages (for example, Helfire sometimes uses [From] title and lavender color without tag).

it’s not too big of a deal, i find it fun pretending as a guest and any member can explain the reality of the situation to confused guests in the case of an issue


the problem is, if we ban just that color hex, then someone could just use the color next over. So if #FFFFFF was banned, then people could use #FFFEFF instead

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No i meant to prohibit any similar looking styles, judging by mod


I don’t think this is a good idea overall


yeah, its barely an issue as far as im aware (i may be wrong)

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Yes but not all suggestions must be targeting something really large