[Denied]Mr.SandwichZ Helper Application

Hello People!

Q1 What Is Your In-Game Name?

As of currently my in-game name is MrSandwichZ.

Q2 How often are you on the server?

Currently i’m on nearly every day for almost 2 hours, BUT i am going to a wedding of 2 of my cousins on this coming Thursday so i will not be online untill next Thursday i believe. :c

Q3 Why Do You Want To Become A Helper?

Well its a little hard to explain but to sum it up quickly, i just like to play terraria and i enjoy shwoing people stuff about it (Includeing awnsering questions) But i mostly want to become a helper to do as the title says and help out a little more, Ive had my share of building already so i want to make a new step forwards.

Q4 Will you prioritize awnsering questions above all else

Well apart from if im really high of sugar or im not paying attention definately, If bob or rofl dont awnser a question ill take their place and awnser as many as i can within my abilities and commands on this server. The only thing i would place higher is needing to survive IRL

Q5 Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to awnser many questions that are put to you

Most definately! i have over 250 hours on record of terraria so i do know a good chunk of stuff about the hame and i am already turning into a robot like bob and the punisher are with questions. (In case you didnt know i tend to be really sarcastic)

Q6 Tell us about you!

Well i can try!
Hi my name is Carson for reasons i wont go into. I live in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. I am currently 13 years of age and am turning 14 on august the 13, I have been playing on the server for approximately a month and have already built a large pixel art museam and have helped answer questions and have given new people as much info as i can type untill my wrists break! I currently do have far over 200 hours of terraria gameplay but by far the best part of terraria in my opinion is when im sitting around building pixel art with all my friends around chatting (Clara, Terrance, Punisher ETC) I have spoken with alot of the staff and i get along well with like 90% of the people. I tend to hang around with the people previously listed but i also like to chat with Rofl, BoB, Legoman and sometimes Cheese man when hes online. apart from that i don’t really know what to tell you. I tend to misspell things alot of the time but that’s usually because i hit one key before the other key, i’m a fine speller don’t get me wrong. Try to avoid bossing me around while i will probably listen i hate to be seen as someone who is easily pushed around and i will jump to peoples defenses if i feel like its unreasonable and unfair. I do like to express my opinions and talk alot but other than that i’m a nice young man who only intends to sit back, relax and have a fun time with friend!

This Has Been MrSandwichZ Helper Application! Im out PEACE!!

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He Is Helpful On the server He gets my +1 This App Is BEAST! So he gets my =1 definetly

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This guy seems alright. You must really want us to know more about you too! lol! +1 From me! I hope people don’t say “It should be longer on so and so!!” No really…it’s stupid. Grow up. By that I mean the thing when people say it should be longer. Don’t want anyone to take that the wrong way!

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My response to this application:

I don’t ever comment but -1. Image above clearly portrays attitude towards… well… everything

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It seem Mr Sandwich does not have the maturity to deal with things as he should. ^ that is how he spammed pop’s wall and many more things. He also as it appears to be very biased. These both are things a helper should not have. Application denied.

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