[Denied] XxSlayerxXx's Mod Application!

You must:
[colour=green]- Have some experience as a staff member

  • Know basic tShock commands
  • Be mature
  • Have an equal opinion as to look at both sides of something
  • Have a Verified In-game account
  • Already have the Helper Staff Rank
  • Have attended 3 Training Sessions - Rofle
    ]- Have at least 2 weeks experience as a Helper (Collectively)*[/colour]

[colour=blue]Question #1: Name [/colour]
My name is Elliot

[colour=blue]Question #2: IGN Name [/colour]
My IGN is XxSlayerxX

[colour=blue]Question #3: Why do you want to be a Moderator? [/colour]
I would like to become a Moderator so I can enforce the rules of Dark-Gaming in an orderly and responsible way. There has been way too many times where I shout “You will be reported” or “You will be banned shortly”. I’m ready to take the next step and make a difference to this server. This is the time where I help the future of this server! Each and every one of my bans will provide more evidence then needed, and I will never abuse my powers as a Moderator. Furthermore, being moderator will help me achieve my main goal in this society; to become a Admin! I haven’t had any Moderator trainings, but I clearly know all the standard procedures of banning a player.

[colour=blue]Question #4: Why I should accept you [/colour]
In my opinion, I think I’m a really good helper. I give a lot of detail on questions asked; I answer fairly fast, and apply the rules of Dark-Gaming. Furthermore, the amount of successful reports I created in the past lead to me gaining the command /kick. I know most TShock commands such as world edit, chest cmds, etc. Also, I am mature, responsible, and very enthusiastic! I would be able to enforce these rules even more by having the power to ban, mute, freeze, etc. I am very active, and take part of many server events. I have helped build the V2 PvP Arena, participated in server events, help testing the Trade Inv, and numerous more! Overall, I think I’m in perfect condition to become a Moderator!

[colour=blue]Question #5: Make up 2 scenario’s, include the chat and any commands you would use [/colour]

[colour=red]Scenario 1:[/colour]

XxSlayerxX: Terraraia no caps please.
*/w TerrariaPro Please stay calm. I have this problem under control.
*/tp Deviltheman

Deviltheman: NO I don’t have any!
XxSlayerxX: TerrariaPro, how do you know it was Dev armor instead of some other armor?
TerrariaPro: Ban him now I saw him!
XxSlayerxX: No, I will not ban him
Deviltheman: haha see you little snitch
XxSlayerxX: Devil, don’t be offensive to others
TerrariaPro: Fuck you devil!
XxSlayerxX: Terraria, this is your second chat violation. Do /rules for detail. Stop now
*wait until he equip his armor on
XxSlayerxX: I gtg see ya guys
XxSlayerxX left
Aeasirs joined
*/login XxSlayerxX **************
*Spy on Devil
*Gather evidence of mod clients
*/ban add Deviltheman - Go to Dark-gaming.com/ban


[colour=red]Scenario 2:[/colour]

*/tp MagicBahoo
*/history (Uses Ice Rod to fill in missing block)
*Jungie Broke tile 362 (1h 32m 12s)

XxSlayerxX: Magic, no caps please. I have this grief problem under control.
* Gather Evidence
*/ban add Jungie Grief - Go to Dark-gaming.com/ban


[colour=red]Scenario 3: (Extra)[/colour]

Carnarl enabled pvp
RyanKing: how did you shoot arrows so fast Carnal?!?!?
Carnal: Secret set up I made
*/tp Carnal

XxSlayerxX: Carnal, your a good pvper. Wanna do a 1v1?
Carnal: lol ok.
*/w Carnal Do /warp TDMarena
Gather evidence of possible hacks

XxSlayerxX: Nice pvping Carnal. afk*
*/w RyanKing Carnal doesn’t hack at all.
RyanKing: then how does he shoot so fast?
*/w RyanKing He uses gear like Magic quiver and prefixed weapons like rapid.

[colour=blue]Question #6: What will you do to ensure you stay a Moderator?[/colour]
To ensure that I will stay Moderator, I will follow the rules and learn from my superiors. I will make sure that everyone is having a wonderful time on the server! I haven’t had any Moderator training yet, but I do know a lot about the rank and how and when to use the TShock commands that will be given later on. I will agree to follow the “Staff Rules and Agreement” forum, and will try my best to make Dark-Gaming a better environment.

[colour=blue]Question #7: How often can you be on the server and active to help people? [/colour]
I will be able to be on the server from 2-10 hours each day. I agree to the terms and agreements given by Rofle. As you all know, I help people a lot and I would like to make a difference to this server. There isn’t much to say on this question.

I will accept all feedback and recommendations!




Good application you help alot and would be great for the Moderator position +1 good luck bro


Thank you every much! I will need that luck! :slight_smile:


Jeez mod already? You like just became helper a a month ago!!
I noticed a few mistakes with grammar such as "PLLL please change your name please, "
Make a few adjustments and talk to the admins about doing some training.
Also put a space between the questions and the answers and you will get my +1 then
I see you on the server a decent amount and you usually are quick to jump to people’s sides for help and so I think you are ready for the next step. Rofle has entrusted you with /kick so it shows that he has some trust in you already.
Good luck eli!


Thank you soo much for the feedback! I cant believe I made such a obvious mistake :stuck_out_tongue: Anyways thanks Carson!


I decided to read over your app very carefully and try to help you get this app as neat as possible. Here are a few mistakes:

“XxSlayerxX: Charlie, don’t be rude to your moderator” – so your saying that your his personal mod? Don’t yhink so. You should probably edit that

On the last line that you called him Charlie you spelt his name wrong. Another mistake.

On question 3 you put “I ready to take the next step” maybe you should pay closer attention to your grammar next time? Or proofread it?
(Also on Q3 you put “to become a admin” isn’t it to become an admin? ((Not sure)) could just be me though)

Another thing (not rally a mistake) is that helpers get gbuff and buff, so freezing isn’t an issue.

On Q5 scenario 1 you put “gather evidence of mod client”. Would it not be modded client?

That’s all I could find, hope I helped you getting closer to your ‘dream’ of mod!
Next time you should go over an important essay like this a few times to check on your grammar and such.
OH and since you edited you have my +1

Jeez I need to work on my spelling and grammar first •—•


+1 with a cookie and milk aside.
Slayer got his /kick alongside with me,
keeps up the good helpers work and doing great reports,
however I don’t see Slayer much which isn’t bad at all, since if he will be promoted
to Moderation role then he would be able to be active and do the work that is needed
when I’m not on.
Go for it.


+1 from me man. I’m asking you questions and you answer them immediately. Everyone is happy when you get on because you make this server welcoming. Keep up the good work


[quote=XxSlayerxXx]Using Red’s wings is allowed.[/quote] You’re not suppose to trick people. You simply say nothing and teleport to them. If you’re tricking people then there are going to be many more bans because people think certain rules do not apply or certain dev armor is allowed.

I counted 14 total mistakes on this application by simply reading it. I won’t accept an application with this many mistakes. The training is also necessary. You may think you know all the commands and procedures, but both of those scenarios proves otherwise.


Some people wont even show their armor. They just simply take it off before I have a chance to snap shot. You can kick and say “You will be banned shortly for using mod clinets” then say the Red Wing’s are not allowed after the problem is solved. Besides, this catches more violators. Could we hold the application until I have my training done? Also, ill be sure to check my app over as soon as I can. Thank you rofle! :slight_smile:


No. As your job as a Moderator, if you see it, you ban them. You don’t need snap-shots. And if you’re talking about reports, then it is still a bad thing to say something like that because its the opposite of enforcing the rules.


Alright I got it. Thank you for the feedback!


pop cant you see if someone telleports to you?


You can see the effect, but 100% of the time the person disregards the fact.


^^^^^ lies


Yeah sure, because you would know.


I’d give you +1 for a cookie


I have improved and changed my application. Thank you for the feedback Carson and Rofle! :stuck_out_tongue:


Great Application you deserve it man +1


You need training sessions? I’d be happy to do this, just pm dates and times.