[Denied] Malphas' Ban Appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or number; E.G. dark-gaming.com/ban/555
As far as I know I did not receive any ban link or number.

[Q2] Were you warned before being banned?
No, I was not warned before I got banned. I was able to go on one day, and the next day I was unable to get onto the server because I was banned for ‘Mass Greif’. As far as I remember and know, I did not ‘Mass Greif’ any structure that was not mine.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
Members that are banned for greif are usually banned fairly, however in this case I believe I was banned unfairly. I realize that greif is a major offense in this server (Almost every server even), and that it will not go unpunished and is usually dealt with “severely”. I believe my ban is unfair because I was not warned first of all, however I should not be warned for greifing because I know that I should not be greifing and that it is wrong in almost everyway. Another reason I believe this ban is unfair is because once again, as far as I know, I do not remember ‘mass greifing’ anything. If I did, can you please show my a picture so I can ‘verify’ it?

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
You should unban me because as far as I know, I did not greif, and it would be unfair of whoever has banned me to ban me for a misunderstanding or maybe even nothing. I admire your server, it is a great and energetic server. One of my favorite servers. Staff members are helpful, players are friendly, it offers lots, etc. However, If I really did greif…I understand that there is a low chance of being unbanned, and I know I will have to move on.

If you really do want to be unbanned, please provide a good length of a response to Q4 as your quality and length of your response will determine your outcome in high severity bans

(Screenshot of the screen that is displayed when I try to join the server.)

[No Ban Link or Number]
If you do not have a link or number for Q1, then your ban is therefore old; instead, provide the ban reason.

what is your in-game name

Sahplam. His in-game name is Sahplam

be-careful they may have proof of you griefing that’s why they banned you

You don’t say?
Read the appeal

you were banned for mass grief someone’s house
and building over it.
It took me 15 minutes to restore the house both by command and both by manual (hammer / pickaxe)
to take out what you done.

Only by /rollback I restored that amount of blocks, but we had to fix the rest of them since it was very complicated.
“I believe my ban is unfair because I was not warned first of all”->What you wrote there isn’t giving you much “points”,
as there are no warnings for griefing but only for 10 blocks and lower amounts.
(The pictures weren’t uploaded by [IMG] code since I’m having problems by loading the right form of the picture to use it)

Are you sure that’s not glitched?
Me and him had built something there and then removed the whole thing.
Those rainbow blocks in the middle were part of the house we >>removed<<
Are you sure the house wasn’t pasted there? It looks glitched.

Those blocks on the bottom were part of the house we built. (the ones scattered)

It is definitely Glitched.
I can tell because the blocks that are randomly in the middle of the house were part of a building we REMOVED. Unless you rolled back and it caused it to appear again.

I could be wrong though.

even if that’s true you did grief it does not matter if you removed it btw That’s My House!!! yea i spent ages removing all that grief

ThePunisher, I just want to make sure all the recent players that were banned by you were all banned on the site. If not it may cause some issues.

That ban was before the release of the new banning method

Your house was not there when we removed it.

We had built a base there before your house was there. The problem is, we destroyed it later on because we did not want it. Now it’s showing chunks of our old base in your house. You can see that I broke some tiles and walls because that is what happened when I destroyed our old base.


"even if that’s true you did grief it does not matter if you removed it btw That’s My House!!! yea i spent ages removing all that grief "

I don’t think you understand this situation. We had build a base before your house in that exact location, as you can see chunks of it under your house, and pieces of it in your house. We destroyed our base after because we did not want it, and all of a sudden now, it shows chunks of our old base That We Removed, but have somehow reappeared from the same place that the base was at, into your house which is directly on from where our old base was.

What he said.

Ok well /rollback may have brought your base back. So how did my base get griefed in the first place

You’re right Roll back might have brought it back.
I can’t tell you how it got griefed.
Malphas will have to.

ok thanks

Briannamoran, please don’t make pointless comments like “what he said” or “you don’t say”. Also, [quote=Malphas]That We Removed, but have somehow reappeared from the same place that the base was at, into your house which is directly on from where our old base was.[/quote] This doesn’t make sense at all… Ether its lag or grief.

Call me Brianna please.

That’s what the problem is.
We don’t see how our base would reappear after we removed it unless you rolled it back before you took a photo.

I know the solution! Punisher must have done “/rollback Malphas” for more than 1day. He could of rollback when they were destroying the base, thus allowing the old base to reappear. (?)

ok but still how did my base get griefed in the first place