[Denied] Helper app

Q1 : What is your in game name : Sharkyseven1.

Q2 : How often are you on the server : i play on this server once a day, sometimes not, because i want to do other stuff.

Q3 : Why do you want to be helper : i would like to be helper because this is a great server iv played on it for quite some time now i think since the server had dark master and all those ranks but ever sinced then iv wanted to help out alot because helping is what i do best.

Q4 : Will you prioritize helping others and answering questions over other things : yes i will i would love to tell them answers to some of there questions and i would fix any issues they have. i would fix things, well one example would be if someone spammed i would give them a warning if someone were to spam again i would give them a second warning if someone were to do it for their third time i would mute them because nobody likes people who spam. another example would be if someone got greifed i would first of all help them fix what got greifed then i would try to figure out who did it.

Q5 : Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer many questions that are put to you: yes i do i’v played on this server for along time so i know all about it and im almost positive that i can answer most questions that are to my ability. if someone were to ask me a item i would anser with all the items that i do know because like i said i can only answer to the best of my ability. if someone were to ask me where something is i would show them were it is. So basicly i would answer any question to the best of my ability.

Q6 : Tell us about you: love to help out on minecraft servers and also terraria servers im turning 12 this year my favorite sport is baseball (Yankees) XD .

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Please number your questions and add a little bit more to it, and I will +1.

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uhh add to what question

uhh add to what question

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+1, you have been here quite a while, and I think it’s time you get a promotion. :smiley:

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I think you need to add a bit more on your questions. Also, I don’t see you on the servers much…

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iv been working on a server for STS a helper i have been learning off of what iv been doing on there

add more to witch question

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Eh… +1.
Would like a bit more detail on Q6 but besides that it’s completely fine. By this apps nature anyways.
(Edited when all the prioritized questions were extended, as seen in posts below this one)

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i add a bit more to 2 of the questions just let me know if you want more

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That definitely seems to be enough for me at least. I know that you have been on this server for a while and you would certainly do good as a helper. +1 :).

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Good! I see you added a lot more on Q4 and 5. I hope ya make it buddy! +1

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This is a great application and I think you deserve this. But I would work on the grammar if I were you. Otherwise this is fantastic! +1

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I’m giving this application a -1, the user signed onto the server without logging in Appearing as a guest asked whether or not I had looked at his application Due too my Manager rank I responded asking why I would be looking at it and who they were. He then logged in as a crew member said “lol” and then left. From this one interaction with the user I can not +1 this application

/e Sharky I have looked at your application are you satisfied lol…

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sorry about that ~_~ was embarresed so i left

thought you were someone alse

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Bunping this so people can see it

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+1 for the shark!
I see you almost everyday (correct me if I’m wrong?) and you are truly showing some knowledge about the game,
the system and mostly about “How do I become crew/member?” things.
Good Luck! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I see him on the server a lot and he is very nice to people helping them with stuff. I think he deserves a +1

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[b]+1 [/b]This is a pretty good app and I’ve seen you on the server a handful of times so I say [b]+1[/b] GL bro :wink:

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Bumping this so people can see it

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Testing phase begins. You now have one week to be online so I can test you. Good luck.

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Due to the applicant’s inactivity this application was denied.

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