Defend The Castle

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Defend the Castle

Tower Defense. That is all it is. If you know Bloons TD, it’s related to that, but also kind of different. Anyways, let’s get started on some core aspects of the game :

The Castle

Someone built a castle and now team one has to defend it for some weird reason. Basically, it’s just a building. Its max health and its regen at the start of the game depends on the builder of the map. It’s also so rich that zombies are attracted to it more than players.

Health Bar

Like a boss health bar, there will be a health bar at the bottom of the screen displaying the health of the castle.


The lobby uses the same intermission that zombies uses. Here is an example of the info of the lobby :

Lobby Arena :
Pine Forest

Lobby Gametype :
Defend The Castle

Lobby Settings :
Time : 20 Minutes

Players in Lobby (2/8): 
yems (Master)
0re0 (Expert)
TheWeirdYT (Newbie)

If you want to get into the example above, contribute to this suggestion.
The lobby has a max of eight players. (Because there will be so many sentries)


There will be one command, two sub-commands, and one message that is given every five seconds for those who have not joined a team after 20 seconds after the lobby started being in intermission.

  • /jteam 1
    Joins the Defenders.
  • /jteam 2
    Joins the Offenders.
  • The message is “To join the Defenders of the Castle, say /jteam 1. To join the Offenders of the Castle, say /jteam 2.”


What death? It is impossible to die.


The following information only applies to Team One.
You can upgrade two types of things : The Castle or Sentries. To upgrade something, stand near it then use the lemon. Upgrading, for the Castle, increases its health and regen. For the defenses, it changes any of :

  • Health
  • Damage
  • Fire Rate
  • Ammo
  • Weapon
  • Regeneration Per Second
  • Equipment (including armor)
  • Knockback

Possible errors while upgrading include :

  • “Not enough score! You need x more score”.
  • “Max tier has been reached.”
  • “You are not close to any defense.”


The two teams have different goals. Team one is trying to defend the castle from the outside world. Team two is trying to raid the castle for glory. At least one person has to be on one team. If everybody except you has already picked only one team, you are forced onto the other.

The Impact of Too Many Players on a Single Team

If everyone joins team one, they get to spawn their own defenses. However,

SentryDamageAndHealth= {Base \over \{(TeamOne/TeamTwo)∗1.5\}}

So if you have seven players on Team One and one player on Team Two, team one sentries will do 1/5 of their normal damage.

If everyone joins team two, they get to spawn their own mobs. However,

MobDamageAndHealth={Base \over \{(TeamOne/TeamTwo)∗1.5\}}

It’s the same formula. If you have seven players on Team Two and one on Team One, mobs you place will only do 1/5 of the damage.

Going AFK

DO NOT go AFK. Going AFK in this gamemode is strictly prohibited for obvious reasons. Anyone who does this without the lobby’s permission and/or for boosting, they will be warned and kicked. If they refuse to stop, they will be banned.


Items spawn stuff. For the offensive side, it spawns mobs. For the defensive side, it spawns defenses. Each item has a certain cost of score to use. If you do not have the score, it will simply say “Not enough score! You need x more score”. The lemon is the item to upgrade stuff. It is worshipped by everyone.


Score is just like in Zombies. Something will display it (maybe that combat text or smth that mobile players can see too), and it can be used to buy stuff. EXCEPT, it’s not used to buy stuff, it’s used to make and upgrade stuff.


Your income is the score you earn per 30 seconds. Time is recorded in seconds, by the way.

Income={5,000,000 \over (1201−Time)}

So at the start of the game, you earn 2778 score. It increases exponentially.

Defensive Side

This section is about the defenses for team one.


The players will start with some bad weapons which will not go up. This is only to defend from the early rounds when no robots have been summoned. Players also can’t die.


These defenses are different from the ability in Zombies because they are summoned differently and upgraded differently.

Summoning Sentries

To summon a defense, you have to use an item. These items are assigned by the Map Builder.

Upgrading Sentries

To upgrade a defense, stand near it and try eating that lemon in your inventory.

Offensive Side

This section is about the people who want to steal diamonds.


The players are ghosts (or at least look like them). They can fly and explore the map. All they are trying to do is send an army of mobs to destroy the castle. They also can’t take damage.

Spawning Mobs

To summon a mob, you have to use an item. These items are assigned by the Map Builder.

How To Win

Winning for each team is different, of course. Team One has to defend for 20 minutes, or until Team Two chooses to /giveup. All of team two has to do this. Team Two has to destroy the castle or until Team One /giveups.

Ranking System

Each player will have one of five ranks. Just Joined, Newbie, Apprentice, Expert, and Master. And to stop DP Boosting, they will have values of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This won’t affect who you are with like in duel. It is just used to reward players with abilities for playing and to stop DP boosting.

Other stuff :


Abilities but in Defend The Castle. I feel it had to be called different due to the change in the point of them existing. There will be some powerup that can only be selected on some team, and some that can only be selected on the other. And when you try to move to another team after selecting a powerup that is only on a certain team, it removes your powerup. Some powerups will require you to be a certain rank. Selecting powerups :
/powerup [powerup]

Trading System

DP and XP gain are different from each other in the gamemode. Also, multipliers work like normal here. The easier the map, the lower the multiplier. The harder the map, the higher the multiplier.


DP is rewarded every one minute.

Team One

Payout={450 \over 1201-Time}

Team Two

Payout={450 \over \{(1000-DamageDone)/(5-AverageRankOfTeamOnePlayers)\}}

Since the DamageDone variable is only used for the DP, it caps at 999. The max DP you can get per game is 450.


XP Is rewarded at the end of the game.

Team One

Payout={10,000,000 \over (1201-Time)}

Team Two

Payout={10,000,000 \over (100-SentriesDestroyed)}


The other stuff of the other section.


No mob outside of the arena is allowed to spawn. If a mob escapes the arena, it will kill itself. A player can’t escape the arena because it will be teleported back into it whenever it goes outside the border.


Day and night cycles continue like normal. Terraria events are disabled.

Map Submission

One single map would be too boring, so like Zombies, it has its own map submission system!


Before submitting a map,

  • The map must be ready in the Build dimension
  • You must have Crew
  • The map must not favor one side
  • The map must have many places for defenses
  • The map must have a non-blocked path from the mobspawn to the Castle (unless there are only aerial mobs).


The map submission is basically just the zombies submission but without #3 because that is useless.

Class Breakdown

The class breakdown of the map must include :

  • A picture of the map (to check if it has many spots to place defenses).
  • All of the defenses and what they do every upgrade.
  • All of the mobs and their modifications (if any).
  • All of the items
  • All of the spawns
  • The Castle

Implementing Maps

DTC Managers and DTC Map builders (obviously the submission makers) handle the implementation of a map submission. The first few steps are simple. DTC Managers that have WEdit will move the maps from the build dimension over to the Defend The Castle dimension. The submitter will then run a whole bunch of commands (using the syntax that Tej posted) to implement the map content (other than the build of course) because why not.?

Setting the Arena

Setting the arena works like it would in zombies (though I am not a Zombies Manager so I don’t know how it works) except with a different modification. The modification is probably going to be dtc.


To select your map, use /arena select [arena name].

To set the castle, use /set castle, then dig/hammer/ice rod two points on the map that will be the corners of the castle and will be opposite from eachother. To unset the castle, use /unset castle.

To set the mob spawn (where the offensive team’s mobs will come out of), use /set mobspawn in the place you want it to be. To unset it, use /unset mobspawn.

To set the Defensive Team’s spawn, use /set spawn B at the place you want it. To unset it, use /unset spawn B.

To set the Offensive Team’s spawn, use /set spawn R where you want it to be. To unset it, use /unset spawn R.
Error is “Element has already been set.”

Offensive Side

Everything about implementing the offensive side.

Mobs & Assigning Items to Them

To add mobs :
/dtcmob add {[mob name or id] [item] [cost] (amount spawned per use)}
Errors are :

  • “Mob does not exist.”
  • “Item does not exist.”
  • “Item is already in use.”
  • “Negative mobs???”

To modify mobs :
/dtcmob mod [mob name or id] {[type] [value]}
Values are :

  • Health (0)
  • Damage (1)
  • Item (2)
  • Cost (3)
  • Amount (4)

Errors are :

  • “Mob does not exist.”
  • “Modification type does not exist.”
  • “Item does not exist.”
  • “Item is already in use.”
  • “Negative mobs???”

To Delete Mobs :
/dtcmob del {[mob name or ID]}
Error is : “Mob does not exist.”
Deleting the mob also deletes the item with it.

These were all the commands for the offensive side.

Defensive Side

Everything about implementing the defensive side.

The Castle

To set the health and regen for the Castle each tier :
/dtccastle settier {[tier, 0 for the beginning] [health] [regen per second] (cost, needed only if the tier is not 0)}
Errors include :

  • “Negative health? Really?”

To modify a tier of the castle :
/dtccastle mod {[tier] [type] [value]}
Values include :

  • Health
  • Regen

Errors include :

  • “Castle has not been defined.”
  • “Tier is not defined.”
  • “Type does not exist.”
  • “Negative health? Really?”

To delete a tier of the castle :
/dtccastle del {[tier]}
Errors are :

  • “Castle has not been defined.”
  • “Tier has not been defined.”


To add a defense, you must :

  • Get the loadout of the sentry
  • Run /dtcsentry add {[item] [name])}
    This creates the first tier of a sentry (0).This tier will have your loadout. Whenever a mob comes in range, the defense will start using the first weapon it finds in its inventory. Any ammo or mana used by it will automatically be replenished.

Defaults of the sentry :

  • 100 Health
  • Regeneration like a normal player
  • 10 blocks range

To modify a tier of a defense :
/dtcsentry mod [name] {[tier] {[type] [value]}}
Types include :

  • Health (0)
  • Regeneration Per Second (1)
  • Range in Blocks (2)
  • Reset (3)

The rest affect the items that the defense uses.

  • Normal SItem modifications (4-Whatever number of SItem modifications there are)

Reset resets all of the modifications to normal.

Errors include :

  • “Sentry does not exist.”
  • “Type does not exist.”
  • “Tier has not been defined.”
  • “Yes. Negative block range. Perfectly normal.”
  • “I don’t get why you want a negative amount of damage.”
  • “I don’t get why you want a negative amount of items.”

To delete a defense :
/dtcsentry del {[name] [tier]}
Errors include :

  • “Tier has not been defined.”
  • “Sentry does not exist.”


To add starter weapons for players :
/dtcplayer addwep {[item name or ID] (amount)}
Errors include :

  • “Item does not exist.”
  • “I don’t get why you want a negative amount of items.”

To modify them :
/dtcplayer modwep [item name or ID] {[type] [value]}
Types include the normal SItem modifications.

Errors include :

  • “Item does not exist.”
  • “Type does not exist.”
  • “I don’t get why you want a negative amount of items.”
  • “I don’t get why you want a negative amount of damage.”

To delete them :
/dtcplayer delwep {item name or ID}
Errors include : “Item does not exist.”

Sample Map Submission

Here is an example of a map submission that will contain everything needed in a submission (and extra). It will also be the first map to get into DtC if DtC is added.

#1 : Location of Map

/pos : 2285, 445
Coordinates : 3827’ West, 352’ Surface
Warp : Far right of /warp library

#2 : Builders :

#2.1 :
Will have access to edit :

#2.2 :
All Contributers :
yems, 0re0, TheWeirdYT

#3 : Ownership

#3.1 :
I permit someone else to take over ownership of my map and for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.

#3.2 :
I permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.

#4 : Class Breakdown

Blue Team

Castle :
Left side of the map.

Tier Health Regeneration Cost
0 100 0 N/A
1 150 3 20000
2 250 4 35000
3 400 7 55000
4 700 10 89500
5 1000 14 112500
6 1500 20 200000
7 2900 35 856500
8 10000 100 3000000

Player :
Spawns in the castle.

Starts with :

  • Copper Shortsword
  • Web Slinger

Wizard :
Item : Wizard Hat

Tier Health Regeneration Cost Range Loadout
0 100 1 1000 5 dtcmage
1 150 2 4000 10 Above, without the first weapon.
2 200 3 9000 15 Above, 2nd slot empty.
3 300 4 20000 20 Above, 3rd slot empty.
4 400 5 50000 25 Above, 4th slot empty.
5 600 7 70000 30 Above, 5th slot empty.
6 800 9 100000 35 Above, 6th slot empty.
7 1000 10 200000 40 Above, 7th slot empty.
8 1500 25 400000 45 Above, 8th slot empty.
9 2000 100 1000000 50 Above, 9th slot empty.

Cowboy :
Item : Cowboy Hat

Tier Health Regeneration Cost Range Loadout
0 100 1 1000 5 dtcranger
1 150 2 4000 10 Above, without the first weapon.
2 200 3 9000 15 Above, 2nd slot empty.
3 300 4 20000 20 Above, 3rd slot empty, 1st ammo slot empty.
4 400 5 50000 25 Above, 4th slot empty.
5 600 7 70000 30 Above, 5th slot empty.
6 800 9 100000 35 Above, 6th slot empty, 2nd ammo slot empty.
7 1000 10 200000 40 Above, 7th slot empty.
8 1500 25 400000 45 Above, 8th slot empty.
9 2000 100 1000000 50 Above, 9th slot empty.

Warrior :
Item : Wandering Jingasa

Tier Health Regeneration Cost Range Loadout
0 100 1 1000 5 dtcwarrior
1 150 2 4000 10 Above, without the first weapon.
2 200 3 9000 15 Above, 2nd slot empty.
3 300 4 20000 20 Above, 3rd slot empty.
4 400 5 50000 25 Above, 4th slot empty.
5 600 7 70000 30 Above, 5th slot empty.
6 800 9 100000 35 Above, 6th slot empty.
7 1000 10 200000 40 Above, 7th slot empty.
8 1500 25 400000 45 Above, 8th slot empty.
9 2000 100 1000000 50 Above, 9th slot empty.

Awakener :
Item : Solar Cultist Hood

Tier Health Regeneration Cost Range Loadout
0 100 1 1000 5 dtcsummoner
1 150 2 4000 10 Above, without the first weapon.
2 200 3 9000 15 Above, 2nd slot empty, with pygmy necklace.
3 300 4 20000 20 Above, 3rd slot empty, with necromantic scroll.
4 400 5 50000 25 Above, 4th slot empty, with papyrus scarab.
5 600 7 70000 30 Above, 5th slot empty, with bee headgear.
6 800 9 100000 35 Above, 6th slot empty, with bee breastplate.
7 1000 10 200000 40 Above, 7th slot empty, with stardust plate.
8 1500 25 400000 45 Above, 8th slot empty, with stardust helmet.
9 2000 100 1000000 50 Above, 9th slot empty, with stardust leggings.

Red Team

Player Spawn :
Cave to the right.

Mob Spawn :
Same as above.

Mob Item Cost Modifications
-26 2 1000 N/A
-42 43 2000 N/A
-23 Vertebrae 3000 N/A
48 Feather 5000 N/A
83 104 8000 N/A
268 Ichor Dart 20000 N/A
315 Pumpkin 100000 N/A
328 Candy Corn Rifle 4000000 N/A
Rainbow Slime Rainbow Block 99999999 2000 Dmg, 500000 Health

The defending side gets DP from time and time only, this could be a potential exploit for DP where the offender doesn’t spawn any enemies.

Even if this problem was fixed while still keeping the time thing, a team of defenders can still easily earn DP if they are against people that are bad at being offenders or people that exploit the anti-exploit to make it insanely easy for the defenders.


You can edit the post to try and do a fix to that


idk what to write


Same problem here


I think I fixed it.


What are ranks, exactly?

Maybe a section explaining ranks could be a nice addition


Also, I made some changes to the equations as well.

I have no idea if it’s balanced/functional or not.




XP (Or at least in this gamemode) is just experience. The more time you are on, the more you should be rewarded with XP, so XP shouldn’t be influenced by the rank of the other team.

Edit :
Playing a full game with someone with rank Master gives you about .65 DP… And the more the castle health goes down, the more DP you get??? lol


Does anyone have permission to build?


Don’t all Crew have permission?


Not until build has been restarted


Wait a minute… How did you put a file more than a certain amount of file size in without it not letting you?


I compressed it.

There are a surprising amount of cool compressor websites out there, and the lossiness and low quality doesn’t seem to affect the image too much.


Just scrolling through the forum and found this interesting concept. I play BTD6 so that clicked with me. But when you mentioned about Ranking System, I thought that’s actually good idea to have that in Zombies as well XD


Cool i like it!


Not sure how it will look, but anyway you get my vote


That would be cool, but I can’t belive how hard it’d be to do the health bar.