I have some questions for dark gaming v5 or 1.3 questions so lately while i was on the server I’ve saw around 20 people with dev armor on is that like a 1.3 thing or that they hack I’ve just got back on to the server since May and just been curios if they hack or not can someone please answer my questions for me because i really don’t know anything in 1.3 other than the nyan cat sword and the solar flare armor
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First of all, the nyan cat sword is Meowmere. If you wanted to know. And second of all, devs armor is now enabled so everyone can wear it without downloading the illegal client. (illegal by, Terraria Rules Illegal).
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The only Dev Piece that is banned (as in, you get frozen for using it) is Red’s Wings, because you can noclip using them.
Rofle, I found out that Dev’s Wings won’t last forever now. It very much sucks. It runs out very quickly! So…
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Rofle what is the “noclip” you said aout
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noclip is the ability to walk in the air, simple, you can make not to fall when you are out of “air-time”
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