Credit can have inflation or not

Are they will fall in cost if every day you getting it
Im was suggested with economic(my practice teacher) and when i ask her he say that credit can fall in cost(but that was long so im shorter what he say) because of making them form air every day so when everyone have big amount of them items titles and other things can be very expensive in credits because of inflation of them
About DP they basically like money because of work that needs for getting them
But credit don’t need that big much of work


Hmmm… i guess not, Because credits are not technically a type of currency like Dp, Dp are one of the 2 currencies that are used (in most cases) to buy things or update your inventory.

In short, I do not believe that the currencies used on this server can have inflation


But that’s the point they not disappear and only way to get rid of credits is by buying crew
In most of trades they used they just go from person B to person A and then they will continue their track to other people
So if they was for like updates or something they will have use like DP for updates
But for most of time users are just getting them bigger and bigger
And the longer time go they will just get no cost to the way when you want turn them in DP with player you will need billions of them for DP
Sorry im bad in English im from Ukraine and im just started to actually teaching


Yes. Your teacher is right in that they are printed from thin air, whereas DP takes it from finite “banks”, which you can see on the explore page of DTP.


So can we have some solutions to the credits that people have in that moment like making some credit updates or something exclusive for credits


Credit inflation isn’t really that big of an issue currently, as they’re not used to do much at present. They can be used to craft titles, roll for new items, and get crew, and that’s about it.


Well then sorry about taking you time im forgot about that uses of credits so all will be fine with credit


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