Companions dead in the air and not being able to revive them

It’s very annoying when a teammate dies in the air and you don’t have wings or a mount to revive him and because of that everyone is going to lose points without being able to do anything about it

So it would be very good if they implemented that or also that instead of him being left in the air it would count as if he died on the ground so as not to cause so much trouble

So I hope they do something about it because it is very annoying to lose more than 100k points for a teammate and not be able to do something about it

This clarification has only happened to Ami on the cryptic castle map, but because it is a very played map, only that map or others would also benefit.

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Well, Cryptic Castle has a chest that contains wings when you can reach its tier. That could help with getting others in midair. Though, I do understand that it’s frustrating knowing you can’t get to someone when they’re in midair.

  • Most maps are quite enclosed, so thats not an issue for them
  • Open maps have wings/hook
  • Wish ability allows for revival from anywhere
  • I am psure something like that is in plans already