Cmd Idea - /armor

/armor will bring up all the armor classes for example: /armor melee: That will give you beetle armor for the melee section of all the classes you can have. This command is mainly for people who are new to the game and just need some armor fast to get ready.

The commands will be like

/armor mage [will give spectra armor]

/armor melee [will give beetle armor]

/armor summoner [will give tiki armor]

/armor ranger [will give shroomite armor]

I imagine I can do this with the ShortCommands plugin, that will simply execute “/i” to get the armor.


I know but it will be a faster way then doing ‘’/i beetle hemet’’ ‘’/i beetle shell’’ ‘’/i beetle leggings’’

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I wasn’t disagreeing. I was just saying that I could use the ShortCommands plugin to replicate “/i” rather than making a plugin for it.


Not a bad idea!

As I thought about it, maybe it could be extended to be able to spawn any armour set? Examples: /armor bettle; /armor shroomite; /armor titanium; /armor ancient-cobalt Like this!

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Yea, but what type of shroomite head? And the Mage armor I believe has three different headgear as well. You could also do this for instead of /armor It’ll be a /weapon summoner or /weapon bow or /weapon melee or any of the variants.

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I see no point of adding in this extra plugin to the server. It’s just putting more stress to the admins. If people are too lazy to spawn the armor, then that’s their problem. Its unrealisticly funny…

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/armor shroomite would give you all parts. Same with other multi-part sets.

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What if you want to prefix the armor? What if someone wants a menacing helmet and a warding breastplate. Then you’re forced to spawn each armor by itself.

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/armor shroomite warding and after that /armor shroomite menacing

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You don’t get it do you? I’ll just cut to chase. There is no need for such commands, and is most likely not going to be activated. I thinks it’s cool that you’re supporting this new idea, but come on. Be realistic. I do not mean this a negative way. Also,if you guys want to save time, just copy and paste “/I Shoomite” and just type in rest of the sentence.

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You’re absolutely wrong slayer. A plugin called ‘Kits’ was made for this exact purpose, and is used by a few popular SSC servers. This make applying different sets easier, and take absolutely no time to setup. I think you need to re-think your definition of “realistic” because you’re not thinking "realistic"ly.


So Rofle the command is a good idea?

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