[Closed] Staff Application

[Q1] What is your in-game name? Dugongski

[Q2] How often are you on the server? (Include timezones and exact times only; no generalisations) I will be on almost everyday.

[Q3] Why do you want to be a Helper? Because I really want a responsibility to help people find their way in Terraria.

[Q4] Will you prioritize helping others and answering questions over other things? Of course :smiley:

[Q5] Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer many questions that are put to you? Yes.

[Q6] Tell us about you? My favorite animal is dugong, as you can see in my name and I love games like Minecraft and of course Terraria. Lel.
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to become what I want to become.

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Started reading, got to Q2, you already failed to answer the question: Include timezones and exact times only; no generalisations

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you haven’t wrote enough, most accepted helper apps have between 4-5 lines for each question

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Closed. Player didn’t give enough info about himself.

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