[Closed] AstroSnail's Helper Application

[quote=Strikethrough][b][Q1] What is your in-game name?

[color=#5f5f5f][Q2] How often are you on the server? (Include timezones and exact times only; no generalisations)
Timezone: GMT / UTC+0
about 7pm to 9pm
Tuesday: about 7pm to 9pm
Thursday: about 7pm to 9pm
Friday: about 9pm to 11pm, might be until midnight
about 2pm to 10pm, might be at 10am and midnight
Sunday: about 1pm to 9pm, might be at 10 am.

[u][Q3] Why do you want to be a Helper?[/u]
I see myself as a clear speaker, able to explain potentially complicated concepts relatively simply. I would like to present myself clearly as helpful to others possibly in need of help, advice, opinion, among others. I want to show people I am capable of tackling any issue others might have, without potentially being seen as intrusive (in the chat) to others who are also trying to help.

[u][Q4] Will you prioritize helping others and answering questions over other things?[/u]
Yes. I do not and will not underestimate any issue or panic of any kind and I will not lay off any request as trivial or otherwise unnecessary. I will try my best to keep most of my attention on the chat and to settle any issue, be it an argument, misunderstanding, lack of knowledge, etc. Whenever I realise I missed a chunk of chat, I usually hit ENTER/RETURN and scroll up to view the history and look for any unanswered issues. We don’t want anyone leaving the server (and possibly this game) confused, do we?

[u][Q5] Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer many questions that are put to you?[/u]
I’m not a clueless wanderer. I know a bit about Terraria just from playing the game. I consult the official Terraria Wiki regularly (the Gamepedia, not the Wikia, just to note) to learn misc things and settle doubts that might be useful to myself whilst I progress through the game, knowledge I will apply to any questions put forward. I also know a bit about this server already, and other members have helped me in areas I don’t. Whatever I might still not know, I will soon since I am a quick learner, and confusion can stop me, but it is not an unbreakable wall.[/color] (Easter Egg #3)

[color=#5f5f5f][u][Q6] Tell us about you[/u]
My real name is Rui; I live in Portugal; I am 14 years old; My Steam username is mincemeat72; My main email address is [email protected].

P.S.: I see everyone use generalisations on [Q2], and I myself can’t give exact times; I cannot guarantee my presence for any day, especially during weekdays; The timetable is not currently in effect due to sudden unscheduled events IRL, meaning I may not be present in the server for over a week. I am and will be here on the forums often, which might probably explain why this app wasn’t rejected at some point for player inactivity; I cannot come on Wednesdays because I have swimming lessons until far too late (that’s going to end in late January), and I might not come on Sunday depending on the amount of homework I get; I will edit this post often to provide more/better facts as soon as I remember them.[/color][/quote]

EDIT: It has been over 9 months since my last test, I’m very surprised this application hasn’t been denied yet. Most of the writing here is obsolete, so instead of updating and attempting to construct over nearly year-old work, I’m probably going to make a new one when I get the chance and feel I’m prepared.

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Hey, please just put space between the questions.
Like this:


And also, put some more into Q4 and Q5 but there’s no need for much.
Good luck!

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2 days in, still nothing.

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+1 from me, Astro is nice and help for everything.

I hope you get Helper! Good luck!

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+1 , Astro is a kind person who helps often. Good luck in getting Helper!

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+1 Astro deserves to be helper since he is a Good person and helper! :slight_smile:

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Entering to testin phase, you got 2 weeks,
good luck!

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Thank you IcyWarrior, Seraph and ZzUltimatezZ for your support.

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Sorry I could not +1 because when I saw it, you were already testing :frowning:

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From tomorrow until next week’s sunday inclusive (i.e.: Sat 25th Oct to Sun 2nd Nov) I am on holidays, which means I now have more time to come and get tested. Just don’t forget this app, so you can call this a part-bump too.

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Since I haven’t been tested yet (and the testing period is nearing the end) and the server has been forced to go offline (less time to get tested), I would like to know if the period should be extended or the application simply denied. Thank you.

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I also got stuff to do, and it isn’t your fault that the server is offline, if I didn’t note that your application is denied
then you are free to continue on the testing period, means it isn’t denied.

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Just what I wanted to know. Thanks Pun.

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AstroSnail has failed his 1st test as he wasn’t replying for any question that was asked by me.
You must not fail another test otherwise it will lead to a denial of your application.

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If I had been tested when I was free-er (that holiday week, which I’m pretty sure I made clear) I might not have failed right at the start but the sudden pressure of being buried in homework made me run slightly short on time to play, and the surprising ignorance to my application made me feel less “necessary” to reply to each case, rather only on ones that I thought I could reply best at. Also, not really for any value, the item was a Cursed Sapling (I didn’t know the exact name of the item, and I would have replied “Haunted sapling” or something like that).

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You can say you dont know the item and provide a place thqt the player can go to,
as I did several times. If your going to do HW then say you are AFK so people will know, but for the long term its better to logout as there might be some faults considering you as “inactive helper”

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C’mon Astro you got this! :smiley:

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“let’s go Astro”

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