[Closed] Application For Helper - The Silver Knight

[Q1] What is your in-game name? - The Silver Knight

[Q2] How often are you on the server? - Pretty Frequently, I would say I log in at least once per day. (Some days I cannot log on (Work etc))

[Q3] Why do you want to be a Helper? - I wish to use my Charisma and Skill to further improve the server, whether it be by educating the members or simply providing aid to those who need it.

[Q4] Will you prioritize helping others and answering questions over other things? - Need you ask? Of course I will.

[Q5] Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer many questions that are put to you? - I believe so. I have wide knowledge over terraria on-top of general knowledge. If I am unable to answer a question, I will hunt for he answer so that I may sufficiently respond as well as to further my own knowledge.

[Q6] Tell us about you? - I am an intellectual individual. I spend my free time gaming, I like to think myself more of a constructionist. As on sandbox games I like to create stunning buildings and monuments. I am a friendly being who can easily communicate with another In a mature and well-mannered context. I like to think people can rely on me for their troubles. When faced with a challenge I never give up, I will always pursue the task at hand until I have conquered it, even if it is not my personal task.

[Current Supporters] [8]

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Silver knight is really good at seeing who needs help and he helps them. He is a trusted friend, and has helped me before! I recommend him! +1

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[quote=X13GHOST][Q5] Do you think you have sufficient knowledge to answer many questions that are put to you?[/quote] Don’t forget that this also means answering questions about the method of becoming Crew, applying for Helper, or other site based stuff that new members might run into.

Other than that I think you get the idea. I cannot vote however because I’ve not been in the server to see your performance.

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I realize, But a vague question can only receive a vague answer… I can’t be more specific without [Q5] being more specific…

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It’s vague because of our audience. You have to be able to ask any question a person would put forward to you. We have no idea on how stupid people can get or how stupid the questions can get so we must simply be vague to catch those questions.

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I believe I’m able to communicate with all audiences to solve their problems, no matter the level of stupidity. If you still do not see that a sufficient answer, I would welcome some example questions.

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It’s not I need proof. It’s I need you to know that being a Helper isn’t for specific questions. If you’re not intelligent or smart enough you probably won’t be much use as a Helper. I’m saying this because its happened in the past. A lot of people were fired from this position for not Helping.

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i agree if you edit question 5’s answer the you have my +1 : - D

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I can assure you I can handle a barrage of questions. As my [about me] states. I am persistant. If I do not know the answer to such a question [Unlikely] I will hunt for the answer until I find it so that I can satisfy the individual requesting me for assistance.

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ok thats good enough for me +1

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Thank you for the support, Connor :slight_smile:

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What about me bro? D:

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And you, Silly :stuck_out_tongue:

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this is a very good Application I say +1

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Yay! :smiley:

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Thank you alien -bow-

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haha yw

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+1 you have helped me I do believe and you are a good friend!

btw u should know i am ur supporter! we friends

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Nice job bro! 4 +1’s!

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Thanks Dragon ^^ More than I expected, Lego :o

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