Everything here is sold for 0.05 Credits or Rarity * 100 DP.
When you find something you would like to trade, send a trade to me. Reply here will help me to notice
Can i buy the /down cmd and the pickaxe cmd for 0.10 Credits?
No problem. Send your trade request.
Hello! I created trade, .10 credits for Archangel. Please accept my request
Both trades were accepted.
Sent a trade for Lord & buff Cmd
Updated selling items.
I’ve sent a trade for the /startrain cmd
trade is accepted
How much for Diamond and that bright green
I’d be willing to pay more than 0.05 credits for the diamond title alone
@Cleyera I gave you 0.20 credits, and 1000 DP for the diamond title, and 0.05 credits for the green
(I am willing to pay that much for that title because I’ve always wanted it)
Trade accepted.
Have fun them
Thx Cleyera
Updated selling items.
/startrain for sale?
yes. All items in the image are available
I created trade offer. Wait for your response