Clan: Sovereign

So I decided (With MrSandwich as well) to make a clan. This clan will be based on building and PvP. I don’t care what you wear, though I would prefer if we all had Moon Stones dyed to match your armor. I now have a creed that all members must abide by to stay in the clan: We will not and shall not kill whilst spawn invincibility is active. The ranks go as follows (based off of USAF ranks). You will be ranked upon building and PvP (I will try to rank people up as soon as I can, but I am making no promises.)

AB (Airman Basic): jr!!
Amn (Airman): The Icy Warrior
A1C (Airman First Class):
SrA (Senior Airman): AstroSnail
SSgt (Staff Sergeant):
TSgt (Technical Sergeant): X4LPH4PH4NTOM
MSgt (Master Sergeant):
MSgt (Master Sergeant [diamond]):
SMSgt (Senior Master Sergeant):
SMSgt (Senior Master Sergeant [diamond]):
CMSgt (Chief Master Sergeant): Derp, Terrance
CMSgt (Chief Master Sergeant [diamond]):
CCM (Command Chief Master Sergeant):
CMSAF (Command Chief of the Air Force):
2nd Lt (Second Lieutenant):
1st Lt (First Lieutenant):
Capt (Captain):
Maj (Major):
Lt Col (Lieutenant Colonel):
Col (Colonel):
Brig Gen (Brigadier General):
Maj Gen (Major General):
Lt Gen (Lieutenant General):
Gen (General): MrSandwich
GAF (General of the Air Force): Seraph
( Not higher than Airman Basic) Major Colonel (b/c Connor wanted to be special): dangerousDanno


  • The Spectral Demons
  • swagDONKEYZ


  • None right now

Applications (Just need to know the basics):

IGN & Site name:
What you bring to the table:
Other Clans you belong to:

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I like the idea of basing the rank names on Air Force ranks, but I don’t see where the idea sprouted from a clan based on building and PvP; and I’m intrigued by this

Does that mean I can be part of multiple clans, that you can take me off another clan, or what?

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Yes, I am willing to have members that are not only in my Clan.

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Well then:
IGN: AstroSnail
Forum name: AstroSnail
What I bring to the table: The will for precision (in building) and the ability to perform repetitive tasks without tire (the asphalt path is proof of the latter) (I do enjoy building over PvP, Overkill just seemed to be a potentially popular clan)
Other Clans I belong to: Overkill

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I will probably start building the base near seraphs houses as soon as I can, also I see no reason not to let Astrosnail into the clan, I give you my welcomes; also please put a cross necklace on your characters.

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Thank you Sandwich, I will and it’d be my pleasure to help build the base.

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Ooh a clan that has Builders… I think I might have to join… and because Sammich is here :3


IGN: Derp Site Name: DerpDerp (Derp was too short :frowning: )

I am mostly a builder, and I really like building overly large things. If you havent seen my builds, every one of them has been in the sky… minus my demonic mansion. I do sometimes PVP using the Violent setup, however I tend to always be building something. When I build I am very precise, or try to be, so I may take a bit longer to build some things.

I belong to no other clans. This would be the first.

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You’re in Derp. You are an amazing builder and pretty good at Pvp.

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Welcome to the clan Derp, please put a cross necklace on.

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IGN And Site Name: Terrance, TerrarianElite

What I bring to the table: I bring pain in PvP and PvE, also, I am proficient with building structures. I have a Melee PvP char, which is signified as a pirate. My mage appears as a Rune Wizard with flame and black dye. My ranger last of all, appears with a black Magic Hat and tuxedo clothes.

Other Clans: I used to belong to Rainbow Legion, which I suppose is now a expired clan.

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You’re in Terrance. I have seen firsthand your Pvp and building skills, and know that you’ll be a great addition to Sovereign.

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Just wanted to appolagize if I am a little bit inactive; I have found a few other servers that I have decided to spend a bit of time on. I will still be mainly on DG, as I have devoted my time and money into this server.

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That’s cool. Touring other servers to see them is always good.

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We are still taking in requests to join. As well, the clan base is almost finished. I will place the GPS coordinates as soon as I get the chance.

Also, a suggestion, we should make a shop for our clan base, with permission from Rofle of course

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“Almost finished”

Its me your talking about here, it will never be fully finished… but I really should fill in the last empty spots… But im lazy :confused:

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Site name: jrgo123
What you bring to the table: I mostly Pvp when i am online.I am not really good at building.I have a range set and a melee set in one character.
Other Clans you belong to: OverKill (which seems to be closed)

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Welcome to the clan Jr, you will be placed at Airman Basic, and we ask that you equip a cross necklace in your vanity
Also, a side not for all the members, please do not give your cross necklaces a color. The silver dye is reserved for generals only.

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got it

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IGN: The Icy Warrior
Site Name: IcyWarrior
What you bring to the table: I am a good PvPer and Builder so I could help with a lot of things
Other Clans You Belong to: I don’t think so unless I’m still in Overkill which I cannot leave

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Overkill is closed.

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