Chaidou Woods Update v1.2

Reworked some weapons from Lightmage class, it should be decent now
New weapons damage are already fixed, won’t display them here

Class Weapon Chest 1

Tier 0) Replaced Sky Fracture → Diamond Staff and uses new projectile: Muramasa Slash
Tier 1) Replaced Spectre Staff → Tome of Infinite Wisdom and uses new projectile: Pulse Bolt
Tier 2) Replaced Tome of Infinite Wisdow → Charged Blaster Cannon
Tier 3) Unchanged
Tier 4) Replaced Last Prism → Sky Fracture and uses new projectile: Influx Waver
Tier 5) Nerfed Razorblade Typhoon damage

Class Weapon Chest 2

Added Magnet Sphere weapon progression

Class Weapon Chest 3

Tier 0) Unchanged
Tier 1) Unchanged
Tier 2) Replaced Crystal Storm → Lunar Flare and uses new projectile: Electrosphere


i played chaidou as lightmage on a public lobby today, and there’s a few issues to note:

the spectre mask is incorrectly set as tier 0, so you get a spectre mask as a starter item. aside from the massive defense and damage increase, however, i really appreciated the extra mana in the earlygame, and suggest adding a weak gem robe + hat as the lightmage starter armor.

i managed to get the new lunar flare on wave 8 by saving up a little, having only bought ancient cobalt armor and tome of infinite wisdom, even though i was playing with randos that did not optimize for point farming.

lunar flare was overpowered on waves 8-10, but the high mana cost made it a decent at best loose cannon that i used to pick off snipers and brain sucklers in the later rounds. maybe add another tier to weapon chest 3 to ease the progression into the midgame a bit better?



New gimmick to reach both spectre bonus