Q1 - What is your in-game account name?
Q2 - What is your timezone?
CST (Central US)
Q3 - How often are you actively playing on the server?
Frequently, as in a couple times a day.
Sessions on average last an hour.
Q4 - Which dimension do you play on the most?
Q5 - Have you read the rules?
Q6 - What is your expectation of being in the role of Moderator?
That I am available to deal with ingame matters like inappropriate behavior, use of hack clients, and the like.
As a moderator and as a player in general, I am expected to become a role model that newer players can look up upon.
Q7 - What is the minimum number of months you expect to be in the role of Moderator?
3 months.
Q8 - Do you have any programming experience?
Q9 - Do you understand how to report players?
Q10 - Have you made any player reports before?
Yes, albeit not that many.
Q11 - Are you in our Discord Server, if so what is your Discord NAME#ID?
Q12 - Do you want your application to be published to Moderator Applications?
Yes, if my application is accepted.
My desires for Moderator have been spoken to server and staff members before, and that is for better building utility, range, and ability in the PvP arena. (access to wedit and regions)
Of course with this application, I acknowledge I will have to preform the regular and expected duties of a DG moderator, and should I use these powers in any malicious or reckless intent that they shall be stripped from me.
I feel that I am reputable and trusted individual among the DG community for my works in the PvP arena and general community involvement. Of course, behavioral hiccups have occurred in the past, and thankfully these have long been adjusted for the better.
I hope you take this application into consideration.
Thank you.