Burger Time

Burger Time

#1 Location of Map

(2011, 859)

#2 Builders


#3 Unverified Rating


#4 Ownership


I do not permit someone else to take over ownership of my map for it to be processed and setup without me if I am inactive or unavailable.


I do not permit unauthorised edits by administrators/managers.


I do not permit administrators/managers to take over my map if I become inactive or unavailable.

#5 Breakdown

Enemy spawn locations:
(1909, 715)
(2113, 215)
(2113, 779)
(1909, 779)
(1909, 859)
(2113, 859)

Player spawn location:
(2011, 859)

Class chests:

Cheff (2007, 855)
Initial Item Dye
Chef Hat
Chef Uniform
Chef Pants
Wisp in a Bottle Shadow Dye
Maître (2011, 855)
Initial Item Dye
Gangsta Hat
Fallen Tuxedo Shirt
Fallen Tuxedo Pants
Wisp in a Bottle Shadow Dye
Serveur (2015, 855)
Initial Item Dye
Eye Patch
White Tuxedo Shirt
WhiteTuxedo Pants
Wisp in a Bottle Shadow Dye
Critique (1909, 689)
Initial Item Dye
Eye Patch
Fallen Tuxedo Shirt
Fallen Tuxedo Pants
Wisp in a Bottle Shadow Dye

#5.1 Weapon chests

#5.1.1 Weapon chest 1

Location: (2107, 811)

Name Tier Price Damage
Vilethorn 1 1500 1
Vilethorn (/sitem -i “Vilethorn” -p 0 -c #00FF00 -d 1 -kb 2 -ua 10 -ut 5) 2 1 1
Magic Missile 3 30000 3
Aqua Scepter 4 4350 5
Flower of Fire 5 3000 10
Ice Rod 6 7000
Crystal Vile Shard 7 5000
Clinger Staff 8 12000
Poison Staff 9 13000
Venom Staff 10 16000
Nettle Burst 11 30000
Shadowbeam Staff 12 300000
Inferno Fork 13 600000
Betsy’s Wrath 14 800000
Name Tier Price Damage
Rich Mahogany Bow 1 1000 2
Rich Mahogany Bow (/sitem -i 658 -p 0 -c 00FF00 -d 1 -kb 2 -ua 10 -ut 7 -s 1) 2 1 1
Shadewood Bow 3 30000 2
Demon Bow 4 1000 5
Tendon Bow 5 500
Blood Rain Bow 6 2000
Hellwing Bow 7 7000
Marrow 8 10000
Shadowflame Bow 9 20000
Pulse Bow 10 30000
Aerial Bane 11 70000
Tsunami 12 500000
Eventide 13 1000000
Name Tier Price Damage
Wooden Sword 1 1200 1
Tin Shortsword (/sitem -i 3501 -p 0 -c FF00DD -d 1 -kb 2 -ua 10 -ut 7 -sc 1,1) 2 1 1
Platinum Broadsword 3 30000 2
Gladius 3 6000 4
Exotic Scimitar 5 10000 4
Blade of Grass 6 20000 5
Night’s Edge 7 30000 7
Brand of the Inferno 8 10000
Gungnir 9 60000
True Excalibur 10 80000
Horseman’s Blade 11 100000
Terra Blade 12 500000
Meowmere 13 1000000
Zenith 4 3000000
Name Tier Price Damage
Slime Staff 1 500 1
Slime Staff (/sitem -i 1309 -p 0 -c FF00DD -d 1 -kb 2 -ua 10 -ut 7 -ss 10) 2 1 1
Hornet Staff 3 30000 2
Imp Staff 4 20000 5
Blade Staff 5 30000
Spider Staff 6 60000
Pirate Staff 7 50000
Sanguine Staff 8 85000
Deadly Sphere Staff 9 200000
Pygmy Staff 10 300000
Raven Staff 11 400000
Tempest Staff 12 500000
Stardust Cell Staff 13 1000000
Stardust Dragon Staff 14 2000000
Stardust Dragon Staff ( /sitem -i “Stardust Dragon Staff” -d 600) 15 40000000

#5.1.2 Weapon chest 2

Location: (2041, 827)

Name Tier Price Damage
Space Gun 1 5000 1
Roman Candle 2 4000 2
Laser Rifle 3 10000 3
Wasp Gun 4 12500 5
Leaf Blower 5 30000 10
Heat Ray 6 90000
Bubble Gun 7 70000
Last Prism 8 5000000
Name Tier Price Damage
Palladium Repeater 1 10000
Orichalcum Repeater 2 12500
Titanium Repeater 3 14000
Vulcan Repeater 4 50000
Chlorophyte Shotbow 5 70000
Stake Launcher 6 200000
Name Tier Price Damage
Arkhalis (/sitem -i “Arkhalis” -ut 5 -k 2) 1 50000 10
Arkhalis (/sitem -i “Arkhalis” -ut 5) 2 2 2
Vampire Knives (/sitem -i “Vampire Knives” -p legendary -s 700 -sc 3 -d 500) 4 55000000
Name Tier Price Damage
Leather Whip 1 1500 1
Snapthorn 2 7000
Firecracker 3 30000
Durendal 4 40000
Cool Whip 5 60000
Kaleidoscope 6 10000
Morning Star 7 150000
Dark Harvest 8 300000

#5.1.3 Weapon chest 3

Location: (1915, 779)

Name Tier Price Damage
Water Bolt 1 2500 1
Book of Skulls 2 1250 3
Demon Scythe 3 4375 5
Cursed Flames 4 5000
Golden Shower 5 25000
Crystal Storm 6 10000
Magnet Sphere 7 15000
Razorblade Typhoon 8 1000000
Lunar Flare 9 3000000
Name Tier Price Damage
Flintlock Pistol 1 275
Red Ryder 2 500
The Undertaker 3 1500
Minishark 4 4000 2
Boomstick 5 7000
Phoenix Blaster 6 10000
Shotgun 7 20000
Onyx Blaster 8 30000
Dart Rifle 9 32000
Megashark 10 40000
Tactical Shotgun 11 50000
Chain Gun 12 90000
S.D.M.G… 13 1500000
Name Tier Price Damage
Mace 1 625 2
The Meatball 2 3000 1
KO Cannon 3 6000
Chain Guillotines 4 10000
Flower Pow 5 50000
Golem Fist 6 10000
Flairon 7 50000
Name Tier Price Damage
Queen Spider Staff 1 30000 5
Staff of the Frost Hydra 2 50000 10
Lunar Portal Staff 3 100000
Rainbow Crystal Staff 4 500000
Rainbow Crystal Staff (/sitem -i “Rainbow Crystal Staff” -d 600) 5 10000000

#5.1.4 Weapon chest 4

Location: (1107, 715)

Name Tier Price Damage
Crimson Rod 1 3000 2
Nimbus Rod 2 20000 5
Magic Dagger 3 3000
Crystal Serpent 4 40000
Magic Harp 5 50000
Toxic Flask 6 60000
Razorpine 7 800000
Name Ammo Tier Price Ammo quantity Damage
Star Cannon Star 1 10000 100
Super Star Shooter Star 2 60000 250
Stynger 3 100000
Proximity Mine Launcher 4 250000
Name Tier Price Damage
Wooden Boomerang 1 850 1
Enchanted Boomerang 2 1250
Bloody Machete 3 5000
Flying Knife 4 28000
Light disc : 5 5 50000
Possessed Hatchet 6 70000
Paladin’s hammer 7 100000
Name Tier Price Damage
Desert Tiger Staff 1 5000000
Terraprisma 2 3000000
Terraprisma (/sitem -i “Terraprisma” -p mythical -sc 3) 3 50000000 1000

#5.2 Armor chest

Location: (2029, 827)

Name Tier Price
Wood Armor 1 450
Pumpkin Armor 2 2000
Tungsten Armor 3 3500
Platinum Armor 4 4000
Jungle Armor 5 7000
Meteor Armor 6 10000
Palladium Mage Armor 7 20000
Orichalcum Mage Armor 8 30000
Hallowed Mage Armor 9 50000
Forbidden Armor 10 100000
Dark Artist Armor 11 100010
Nebula Armor 12 350000
Name Tier Price
Wood Armor 1 625
Pink Eskimo Armor 2 1000
Pumpkin Armor 3 500
Silver Armor 4 1000
Gold Armor 5 1500
Fossil Armor 6 2000
Necro Armor 7 3000
Palladium Ranged Armor 8 8000
Titanium Ranged Armor 9 10000
Frost Armor 10 15000
Huntress Armor 11 30000
Chlorophyte Ranged Armor 12 100000
Red Riding Armor 13 100020
Vortex Armor 14 250000
Name Tier Price
Wood Armor 1 500
Copper Armor 2 1000
Iron Armor 3 4000
Gold Armor 4 3000
Platinum Armor 5 3500
Shadow Armor 6 5000
Crimson Armor 7 4000
Molten Armor 8 10000
Titanium Melee Armor 9 20000
Squire Armor 10 50000
Turtle Armor 11 100000
Beetle Armor 12 200000
Solar Flare Armor 13 350000
Name Tier Price
Rich Mahogany Armor 1 785
Tin Armor 2 1500
Pumpkin Armor 3 1675
Platinum Armor 4 1990
Bee Armor 5 20000
Spider Armor 6 40000
Hallowed Summon Armor 7 60000
Tiki Armor 8 100000
Spooky Armor 9 150000
Stardust Armor 10 250000

#5.3 Ammo chests

#5.3.1 Ammo chest 1

Location: (2011, 715)

All Classes
Name Tier Price
Flask of Ichor (x3); Golden Delight (x3); Lifeforce Potion (x3); Regeneration Potion (x3); Wrath Potion (x3); Endurance Potion (x3); Ironskin Potion (x3); Rage Potion (x3) 0 15000

#5.3.2 Ammo chest 2

Location: (1935, 715)

Name Tier Price
Mana Regeneration Potion 0 14000
Name Tier Price
Unholy Arrow (x70); High Velocity Bullet (x70); Luminite Arrow (x750) 0 3000
Name Tier Price
Summoning Potion 0 14000

#5.3.3 Ammo chest 3

Location: (1915, 807)

Name Tier Price
Chlorophyte Bullet (x500); Luminite Bullet (x500); Luminite Arrow (x750); 0 50000

#5.4 Accessory chests

#5.4.1 Accessory chest 1

Location: (1943, 715)

All classes
Name Price
Burger 200000
Burger 10000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000
Burger 1000

#5.4.2 Accessory chest 2

Location: (2098, 825)

Name Price
Skiphs’ Paws; Soaring Insignia 1000
Name Price
Bat Wings; Soaring Insignia 1000
Name Price
Spooky Wings; Soaring Insignia 1000
Name Price
Tattered Fairy Wings; Soaring Insignia 1000

#5.4.4 Accessory chest 3

Location: (2077, 859)

Name Tier Price
Frog Leg 1 5000
Mana Regeneration Band 2 30000
Mana Regeneration Band 3 30000
Mana Regeneration Band 4 30000
Name Tier Price
Frog Leg 1 5000
Recon Scope 2 30000
Recon Scope 3 30000
Recon Scope 4 30000
Name Tier Price
Frog Leg 1 5000
Mechanical Glove 2 30000
Mechanical Glove 3 30000
Mechanical Glove 4 30000
Name Tier Price
Frog Leg 1 5000
Pygmy Necklace 2 30000
Pygmy Necklace 3 30000
Pygmy Necklace; Papyrus Scarab 4 30000

#5.4.5 Accessory chest 4

Location: (2089, 859)

Name Tier Price
Sorcerer Emblem 0 50000
Name Tier Price
Ranger Emblem 0 50000
Name Tier Price
Warrior Emblem 0 30000
Name Tier Price
Summoner Emblem 0 50000

#5.5 Health Chest

Location: 1981, 763)

All classes
Name Tier Price
Health(1) 0 225
life(for /j z -hc) 0 4500

#5.6 Mana Chest

Location: (1993, 763)

All classes
Name Tier Price
Mana (10) 0 4000

#6 Images

Minimap art overview

Minimap annotated


#7 Details

#7.1 The Lore

After Chef Peter Pepper managed to cook his perfect burgers in a dimension where food came to life, something strange happened: an evil being from another galaxy was not pleased to see that Peter Pepper had succeeded in his quest and captured him. Your mission as part of Chef Peter’s culinary staff is to battle the monstrous hordes of enemies sent to destroy the new dimensional kitchen.

#7.2 Personal Lore

As I was born and raised in a still developing country, coming from a poor family, I didn’t have the opportunity to experience the games that were released during my childhood. While my acquaintances were playing on platforms like Super Nintendo or PS1, the most I could have was a bootlegged version of NES, which had two cartridges, one with 120 games and the other with 60 games. Contrary to what it may seem, I am very grateful for my parents’ efforts to give me this simple video game, as the latter was responsible for giving me great references from the 80s and countless hours of fun, playing games like Contra (1987), Circus Charlie (1984), Castlequest (1985), Elevator Action (1983), Duck Hunt (1984), Karateka (1984), Lode Runner (1983), Pac-Man (1980), Othello (1988), BergerTime (1982) and others.

My parents were also very addicted to games, and I could see my mother achieving high scores in Tetris (1989) and Magic Jewelry (1990); while my father had an incredible ease in reaching the final levels of Arkanoid (1986).

This map is a personal rendition of my experience as a gamer in the early 2000’s. A love letter to pixelated games and old consoles, dedicated to this server.

#8 Updates


cool themed map full of secrets :sunglasses:


Just an fyi, Vulcan repeater and Roman candle aren’t available on pc/regular mobile


Thank you.




Every single chest is unbalanced and inconsistent in both pricing and damage mods, I’m not even sure where to begin. The map is also quite large and easy to lose yourself into with the invisible walls and mechanisms.
I’m sorry but I can’t accept this at all, it needs a complete overhaul and rework. You can make a new submission post once everything is sorted out, but do note that prices need to be higher than all previous tiers and also not worse (and overpriced) upgrades.