Buff Heat Ray

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Heat Ray

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Buff the base damage by 1 - 3

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
On average, in the meta, this weapon tends to do around 21 - 28, with 28 being the damage when hybrid sets that specifically enhance magic damage are involved. Most other sets tend to hit around the low end of this spectrum.

[Anything else you would like to note]
The damage is so low that it’s a little frustrating to use, since it feels like there’s too little of a reward for this weapon.

Even though I hate the heat ray, I think it deserves to be buffed.

At this point, it basically does 0 damage.


Keep in mind that heat ray is hitscan so it’s really hard to dodge if someone has enough aim, but yea, maybe it needs a very little buff since now it’s only useful to remove beetle reduction or kill really low players.


Ew this weapon sucks uzi buff is better


I also want to see Heat Ray being slightly buffed because when attempting to kill someone with heat ray from afar, they just dont die because they regen slightly faster than how heat ray deals damage.

And you always have the same tone Skemmy. You’re disgusted by weapons which isnt your weapon choice.


No i literally hate this weapon more than anything else since its in opposition of uzi


This isn’t a rule so don’t take this as a staff member’s warning.
Please keep joke posts like this off suggestions, or at least mark it appropriately with a kappa or a /s.
If you’re being serious, stop it.


After testing in Solar Armor vs Solar Armor the lowest HR hits without the damage variation is 23.
With Damage Variation on this gives a low of 20 and a high of 26.

With Crimson Helmet, Hallowed Plate Mail, & Crystal Assassin Pants, Heat Ray hits for 27 - 34
With Crimson Helmet, Valhalla Breastplate, & Frost Leggings, Heat Ray hits for 22 - 28
In a kit with quite literally more everything than solar armor except like 4% melee speed heat ray does MORE, so I’m not sure what to tell you other than I feel like this suggestions comes from an odd place of no testing.

Kits with no mage investment get little reward out of Heat Ray, but this seems fine to me. With minor investment Heat Ray can deal 100 damage in 4 hits, and with a strong amount of investment, say a mage whip hybrid kit, you can easily make heat ray do 100 damage in 3 hits, if not more. I’ve been able to make my heat ray do 40 damage in mage focused kits that are NOT glass cannon and do NOT sacrifice on rushing potential.

Please test armor sets other than Solar and let me know if you feel that Heat Ray is too weak still


nonono its alr so fucking good


It doesn’t do much damage on people who know their way around PvP, you’re probably mostly hitting randos or using a max damage mage loadout. You are right that it is good though


yeah but tbf it’s hitscan so a good player could beat anybody no matter the skill. it also has a massive range so its even more powerful


Yeah but theres better alternatives
Lots of them


After more testing, a single damage buff to heat ray results in it consistently hitting half as much as laser rifle does, which is slower, takes more effort to hit, and fills the same niche. I’m not sure I want to do this, especially in light of recent kits from the likes of Lewd which do nearly max damage on Heat Ray.