Big Russ's Inventory Sale v5

I have acquired a few new items, and have priced them reasonably if you are interested. I will be getting rid of some items if they do not sell, so take advantage of this offer. If you want to purchase something in the future, let me know and I will keep it for the next sale.

Sale Items:

Sale Guide:

  • 1x R9 Color #1, priced at 0.15 Credits
  • 1x R9 Color #2, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R8 Color #3, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R8 Color #4, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R8 Color #5, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R8 Color #6, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R6 Color #7, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R6 Color #8, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R6 Color #9, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Color #10, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R3 Color #11, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R3 Color #12, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R3 Color #13, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R9 Holy Guardian Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R9 Lord Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R9 Emperor Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R9 Seraph Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R8 Bringer of Death Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R7 Wise Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R6 Huntress Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R6 Royal Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R6 Pimp Title, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R5 Book Worm Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R5 Princess Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R5 The Protector Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Professional Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Pro Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Bounty Hunter Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Knight Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Soldier Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R4 Dude Title, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R10 (the Masterful) Tag, priced at 0.20 Credits
  • 1x R8 (the Great) Tag, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R7 (Skilled) Tag, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R6 (the Incredible) Tag, priced at 0.10 Credits
  • 1x R5 (the Reaper) Tag, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R5 (the Time Traveller) Tag, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R5 (<— Awesome) Tag, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • 1x R3 (<— Hacks) Tag, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R4 /myhome Perms CMD, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R2 RoD Perms CMD, priced at 0.05 Credits
  • (SOLD OUT) 0x R2 Wormhole Potion Perms CMD, priced at 0.05 Credits

Please Read BEFORE trying to purchase:

  • SALE ITEMS ARE FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. If you let me know what you want to buy, I will give you first choice on it. You cannot reserve anything to be purchased later UNLESS you are the only person interested in buying the item. You will need to specify that you want this items to be reserved, do not just assume I know this. I will reserve this item UNTIL someone else is willing to buy it, and has the credits on hand ready to pay.

  • YOU NEED TO BE HIGH ENOUGH LEVEL TO BE ABLE TO MAKE TRADES. If you do not see the “Trading” tab on DTP, you cannot trade and therefore cannot purchase anything from me (until you become high enough level). (This may be outdated information, I do not know if all players can trade now or not, but I am still going to mention it in the event that I am right.) The trading tab looks like this:

  • ALL TRADES ARE TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED HERE FIRST. If you send me a trade without letting me know FIRST, that would be unfair to those trying to officially purchase it through my offer here. To prevent issues, just let me know here. Additionally, you need to make sure what I agree to trading you is what you trade for. If you try to get any items not listed in the trade acknowledgement, or try to get items not listed in my “Sale Guide”, I will cancel the trade. This may result in you being banned from my current and/or future sales, you have been warned.

  • I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRADING COST I am not 100% sure what it costs to make a trade right now, but if I was the one initiating the trade I would be losing some profit, which I am not willing to do. You must set up the trade after I have accepted your offer here, I repeat I am NOT going to pay for the trading cost.

  • THERE ARE NO RETURNS ON ITEMS. Please be 100% certain that you want this item when you purchase it. As I mentioned previously, I am not willing to lose profit. If you want to see what a Title/Tag/Color looks like in-game, I am willing to equip it and send a screenshot sample from DTP. If for some reason a trade is bugged, I will open a topic in Bug Reports, and will handle it accordingly. If trades become inoperable while my sale is ongoing, I will discontinue this whole thing until they work. There should be no error on my end, as I will be double-checking every trade before accepting it on DTP. If it is my fault, I will cover the cost and make it right. Just wanted to say once again, NO RETURNS.

  • THE PRICES LISTED ARE FINAL. Bartering is NOT allowed. These items are extremely cheap (the most expensive item takes three days of voting to buy, while it took me fifteen days of voting to get some of them). I really have no need for dp, I can get this easily myself (thanks to the change regarding metals). Credits are the only thing I am accepting in return for these items.

  • DO NOT POST YOUR OWN TRADES HERE. I have set this up as my shop, and this process is somewhat time-consuming. I will not ban or even warn anyone for doing so, but it would be quite rude to say the least. If anyone tries to sell anything here I will delete their post, no questions asked. Please make your own topic post if you wish to do what I am.

When you create a trade, you acknowledge having read all of my sale terms, and agree to them. CREATING A TRADE BINDS YOU TO THIS AGREEMENT.

If you have any further questions about anything feel free to respond to this in a new reply.


That, and the mint color:


Send trade when you are ready.




Can i buy /myhome and rod perm for 0.1 credits


yes go ahead when you are ready


I will pay 10000 credits, for the perfect white one
Edit:nvm actually too cheap tbh


I am a little confused to say the least. First off, there is no white for sale. Second, are you mistaking DP for credits?


No it was all a ploy to get you to read my comment, you should unban elfo, asking for a friend btw, and 10000 credits aint that much boss.


1x R6 Color #7, priced at 0.05 Credits.

Sent a trade.


i’ll buy the R8 Color #4 at 0.10 credits, it looks like egg pudding and i like it lol


Uh Keigu, this seems like a mess.

First off, the price listed for Color #7 is 0.05 Credits, but in the trade you selected Color #6, which is 0.10 Credits. Also, you are trying to pay 0.50 Credits, and neither item costs this much.


I am not trying to scam you, so please correct this.


Accepted, hope you like it.


Hello, I’d like to buy:

No.|Type    |Item name     |Costs
 1 |Color   |#6 (yellow)   |0.10 CR
 2 |Tag     |the incredible|0.10 CR
    Total cost:             0.20 CR

You forgot to mark myhome cmd as sold Big Russ's Inventory Sale v5 - #5 by Godlybread


I find it incredibly annoying when people do this for seemingly no reason. I got another one the same day that I sold one, so I left it up. You could have easily checked my inventory to know this.

Send the trade whenever. Keigu wanted this same color but they have not responded to my last reply, so it is up for grabs.


May I have myhome too for additional 0.05 CR, please?


Yes, send the trade whenever you can. Sorry, I did not know you wanted this command yourself. My apologies.


My apologies, I’ll fix the trade. Thank you for your honesty :blue_heart:


Glasia’s trade was correct first, so I accepted theirs. Sorry, but I outlined this in my sale terms:


Can i buy the wormhole and the rod perms please?