I am not an admin so I am not sure what to tell you except to message staff in a PM that you are having an issue.
hello i would like to trade legendary for the listed price
Ok send the trade, if it matches my asking price I’ll accept it.
thanks man. i could also take that immortal tag off you
Sure send another trade lol
I’d like to buy that prodigy title russ boi me bob.
Sure thing intel-bob me boi
It’s sent.
Is there an issue? Or am I ok to accept the trade?
My bad, you can accept it. I just felt like saying bruh.
alright lmao
Very epic, much thank.
Hello i think i spot an error in the post name
Plural posts are supposed to be s’ instead of s’s (mechaincal mistake.)
also how did this get 50 replies in 2 hours?
I would appreciate if you would not minimod my grammar. Where I am from (the USA) this is completely correct for me to do.
everyone on this topic is just “MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE” (the seagulls from Nemo)
(Please note that I am also in the USA)
Then you should understand that there is nothing grammatically wrong with my title.
The abormal title has a spelling error
Btw it is best to let me know here instead of just sending the trade. I’ve noticed at least one person do this already.