Q1 - What is your in-game account name?
My in-game account name is “Big Russ”.
Q2 - What is your timezone?
My time zone is MST (Mountain Standard Time).
Q3 - How often are you actively playing on the server?
I am pretty much active every day, though this does vary as I have things I must take care of outside Terraria too.
Q4 - Which dimension do you play on the most?
While I do cycle through playing most dimensions regularly, I have the most hours played in the Survival dimension.
Q5 - Have you read the rules?
Yes, I have read the rules, and understand why they are in effect too.
Q6 - What is your expectation of being in the role of Moderator?
My expectations of being in the Moderator role are:
- To first and foremost uphold the rules, and enforce them without bias.
- To give each player the benefit of the doubt, give proper and clear warnings as necessary, and handle each situation that arises with maturity.
- To go out of my way to help players in need of assistance, both in chat and in person if necessary. As some joining the server are first-timers, they may need help setting up a member account, crew, or simply finding an item or dimension.
- To follow the rules for Moderator commands, use them with common sense, and ask another fellow staff member for assistance with them when I am unsure.
- Lastly, to be active in the community. Whether it be in-game, Phase, Discord, or the Forum/DPT, to be there for assistance, be responsive in the community, and enjoy playing the game too while I am at it.
Q7 - What is the minimum number of months you expect to be in the role of Moderator?
The minimum number of months I expect to be in the Moderator role is six (6) months. I cannot say for certain any given length of time, as life does throw us curveballs, but I am positive that in the foreseeable future six months is the bare minimum I will be able to give, and will keep in touch giving updates as I find out more. (Six months is the minimum I can promise, though I do believe I will be able to uphold this position for much longer than that).
Q8 - Do you have any programming experience?
I unfortunately do not have any programming experience, the closest thing I have experience with is editing and troubleshooting simple .JSON files from when I played Starbound, and very limited knowledge of photo editing, both of which are probably not much help to you.
Q9 - Do you understand how to report players?
I understand how to report players as a member via Discord, giving information such as player name, dimension, sufficient evidence (usually screenshot or video), and a brief description of what has happened. I have limited experience using the forums to do this, though I do believe I can learn this quickly. As for reporting a player as a Staff Member, I am unsure how to do this, though I am confident I can learn the proper way quickly.
Q10 - Have you made any player reports before?
Yes, I have made multiple reports using the #player-reports channel via DG’s Discord, but as stated above I need to brush up on doing this via the forum.
Q11 - Are you in our Discord Server, if so what is your Discord NAME#ID?
Yes I am, my Discord NAME#ID is Big Russ#1614
Q12 - Do you want your application to be published to #moderator-applications?
Yes, right now. (Or as soon as is convenient to whoever is reviewing this.)
This part is not necessary but I do want to give thanks for being given the opportunity to make this application. Whether I am denied or accepted, I will honor the decision made, and do my best to be understanding as to what areas I need improvement. -Big Russ