Basically Abusing

[1] Members name.

[2] Report: what rule(s) they broke (quote them).
I’m not quite sure which rules to quote but this is the reason: Excessive spamming of OOA sentries (Mana is still bugged and is basically infinite) which causes the entire server to lag, the PVP dimension reported them lagging when Nezt was doing this (He was also told to stop multiple times, over 3 attempts at OOA event). He also spawned so much he managed to hit the entity limit and we didn’t get any loot from the 2nd OOA.

[3] Did this affect anyone (e.g. they were using their hacks in PvP)?
Yes, the entire server lagged because of it, every dimensions, some people even crashed

[4] Evidence. (If this includes chat, Phase link one or more messages)


(If this isn’t enough I will crop a video I took on the 3rd OOA event)

[5] Dimension: (if this is a server report).

[6] Roughly, the time (in UTC) the offence was made. (if this is a
server report)

Around 13:00-14:00 UTC


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