All the PvPers among us knows why it should be banned, both the launcher and both the projectiles.
If you dont know why, so here’s a little explanation-
The Jack-'o-lantern launcher shoots the pumpkins that jump all over the spawn, around half a minutes before it automatically
explodes, damaging alot of damage to the mobs, which is a good idea,
but the bad thing about it is its use on PvP, oops, did I say “use”? I meant to spam, instead.
The players are standing somewhere high, and shoot it all day long, killing anything and anyone on they’r pass,
thinking they are good on PvP, until (rarely) someone stalks behind them using a RoD, killing them from behind and almost being
killed because of the spam of it.
I suggest banning the launcher since it delivers to any player (including guests) the cheap PvP method-spam it like there’s no tomorrow.
Right it’s annoying and it’ a very cheap method of reaping kills, also it can cause server lag when spammed.
Rofle uses it so good luck.
Well, he’s mostly using his sniper rifle, and he’s much more effective than using the lanterns,
I hope he will understand it, someone should’v make a topic or ban the projectile long time ago.
Indeed, Rofle probably wont ban it when he uses it himself.
I think it should be banned to because the non pvpers get a lot of lag from the pumpkins that are bouncing around
Sure I will take a side in an argument but that doesn’t mean you can’t win. Personally this weapon to me is exactly as explained. If I have a hard-time pvp’ing and want to kill someone I just pull out the jack 'o lantern launcher. It would be nice to have more support for this though since it will prohibit a lot of people using it.
the only reason you need to ban it is lag and annoying bouncy jack o lanterns that are everywhere.
I say ban as well because I get killed by this 40% of the time. lol
Jack 'O lanterns are very easy to dodge. You need to use RoD (Rod of Discord) or just simply predict where the projectile is going to land. I’d say, if there would be anything banned, I think it would be snowmans cannon. Seriously, they do 200 dmg + the extra 100 dmg from the rockets. All you need to do is stand in place, while firing randomly. Pew pew and there ya go! 1 kill with like 2 hits? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. The fire rate is even more frustrating to pvpers… On the other hand, Jack 'o lantern launcher is a bit cheap if you know how to use it. I just RoD behind and smack em with a few crystal bullets and BAM. You got a kill! People can’t respond that fast unless your a super pvper like Rofle, or a lag master like Lego. (sorry if this offends you lego). This is my opinion on this thread and sorry If I got a bit off topic!
I agree Slayer and I can’t help my lag…
How can you support this and not support this at the same time Legoman?
I support the statement he made before the part about me.
He’s arguing against this thread by the looks of it. He saying the problem is not the jack launcher but the Snowman cannon.
Maybe ban both is what I mean(?) >:D
sure ban both and my as well ban all explosives but just saying have you experienced the lag the jack o lanterns can cause just by bouncing around and imagine more people using it. SO MUCH LAG!!
Hey, while your at it, why dont you ban traps? All people do is build trap houses with them and never turn them off, which lags the server.
Why do people say it lags the server? The server doesn’t lag, it never uses 50% of its resources and hardly any of its connection limit.
I agree as well
I agree