[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Hacking realted
[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Almost every hacks relate to vampire knives in PvP dimension.
They changed the projectiles of Vampire Knives to some other projectiles, such as daybreak, Hellfire fork, and so on.
Also About 1 month ago, vampire knives’ dmg had been adjusted. This event made almost everyone get eyes on the “light” of it. But… Just like Toixc Flask in 2022, and finally this weapon got banned.
So… Should we ban Vampire Knives?
[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
This hack crashed most non-pro players’ playing feeling, but most of hackers do not have any PvP awareness such as using slime king mount, using hooks and so on, so most hackers are easy for us to defeat.
I even saw a REGISTERED MEMBER used this hack. I tried reporting him but idk why my evidence cant be uploaded… It said that an arror occured…
[Anything else you would like to note]
These hacks have a common ground: they produce at least 20 projectiles in about 0.5 sec.
If we can add some testing code about it, maybe we can successfully and completely clear this hacking method…
One’s religous attainments are always challanged by greater evil influence… But at least, we can do this.