This Is A Suggestion To Ban The UFO Mount From PvP Because Its Really Bad.
Any Voters?
EDIT: This Includes Mounts Like The Black Spot, Cute Fishron, Etc.
This Is A Suggestion To Ban The UFO Mount From PvP Because Its Really Bad.
Any Voters?
EDIT: This Includes Mounts Like The Black Spot, Cute Fishron, Etc.
…Why… if it’s bad just don’t use it
The reason im setting up a ban suggestion is because new players keep using UFO mount and other mounts like it.
I think getting killed over and over should be enough for them to learn. You cant just ban something because its “too bad”. Even if ufo was banned, would it really change anything about ufo users’ skills?
Ik you started replying before i edited but take what i just said into account. If theyre that bad that theyd keep using ufo, then they probably use bad weapons, armor, and accessories too, and also dont have a lot of skill either.
No, It Isn’t. They Just Keep Using UFO Mount Trying To Get a Kill Just For Them To Get Killed. I Was Lucky I Abandoned The UFO Mount.
These aren’t that bad really, you can use it if you are sniping someone with the rifle, or just by helping you to stay in a neutral position in the air, or also if you don’t like usings soaring insignia, this can be helpfull to restart your flight, and be able to flight again,or if you are just bad at moving (Like me) can be useful sometimes to move on certain places
Also, what is the point of banning them?, you can actually use any(copper-gold-irom,etc) shortsword, and isn’t banned,so there is no point on that?
…so if it’s bad, don’t use it???
So what’s the point of such a ban? If they’re new, they are also learning players. Nobody is obligated to use the UFO mount, but if someone does, that’s all well and good. Equipment bans are reserved for, according to the channel #pvp-info
in the Dark Gaming Discord, quote, “Banning gear in PvP is ONLY for gear which is bugged, or impossible to balance”, end quote. None of those are true for the Cosmic Car Key, Shrimpy Truffle, the Black Spot (it’s only slightly stronger on mobile), and the Witch’s Broom. Your suggestion to ban it seems to be based on a complaint of “new players are using it and dying all the time”. The core root of your proposed problem is that they ARE new, they don’t know what’s good or bad. If any new player wishes to pursue PvP, they’ll learn themselves through any resources available or through simple experience.
That’s part of the learning experience, everyone has to start somewhere. The first step of getting out of being curb stomped all the time is basic learning; even if you had omniscient knowledge regarding PvP, if you didn’t know how to put it to use, it’s useless.
How about, instead of banning it, users will get the warning:
Flying mounts are horribly slow and not recommended for PvP.
(Oh wait, most people who use flying mounts actively don’t even read chat at all…)
I don’t think you should ban something just because it’s bad. By this logic we should ban more than 2000+ items because they’re bad and newbies should avoid using them
well ufo mount is overused as hell and players are just wasting their time trying to spam flying dragon and chase you all day, when little do they know they are just gonna get a sniper or true night’s edge chucked at their skull
i wouldn’t say ban it but the flying mount thing is getting really out of hand
That’s the players’ fault. This is a game based on skill. PvP managers don’t have to make a path for everyone.
Just kill them lol, there’s no real problem with that.