Ban Dryad Loincloth...

You don’t want to know why…if you do, I’ll show you on private…

There’s literally no legitimate reason to ban this item.
I assume your reasoning behind it is because it’s revealing? Who cares? With some accessory items, it can actually be quite nice for vanities. The game is rated “Teen”, so anyone who plays it should be able to handle some skin-colored pixels.

No one even uses it, it has caused 0 problems. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to deal with items once they become a problem, as to not unnecessarily ban every other item in the game.

None the less, thank you for the suggestion. Suggestions are never unnecessary, or dumb unless of course, they’re repeated an insane amount of time. Suggestions are what keep communities going.

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It would be hilarious if for one day, everyone on the server only wore the Dryad’s Clothing XD!

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Did you try to use brown or void dye on it? I forgot to say that…

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It is still not an issue even if you have a near-perfect color match. I have been using this vanity for more than two years on my home server and nobody has a problem with it, albeit people do make remarks sometimes, which I still find hilarious.

In short, Terraria does not make a good tapping material unless you build erotic pixel arts (and I have yet to ever see those).

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As a counter proposal, I say we ban every vanity leggings, except Dryad Loincloth.

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I love this idea, seriously, that’s like my idea, but only everyone being naked underneath XD!

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I say we ban everything that exposes hair.

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I’d crack a sensitive joke here, but I would get banned instantly.

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