Ban appealLl

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
i got banned for advertising eevn though im not a bot

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
No beacuse i get my items from there

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
Because i was a good player and i didnt want to get banned


Since this exact appeal is yet to be assigned, and there is a 16 day difference between your last appeal and this one(along with this one being made two days ago), I believe it is fine for me to continue the process, continuing off from where your last appeal left.

Note that whether or not you were aware at the moment of your actions being against the rules, you, the player, is here banned as a result of breaking them. The rules at any given moment are available and applicable to any player, and unawareness itself doesn’t make this unfair.
Even though you’ve identified the rule you broke in your previous appeal, I will need this step to be repeated the same way for this one, along with telling me whether or not you will avoid future offenses towards this said rule.


For the first one asked by pop

It wasnt really fair because it was by accident tbh, i was telling a ip address to another friend and i got banned which got me in a bad mood the whole day

Will i avoid it?
I will because i do not want to be banned from fun servers because it ruins terraria for me


This is mostly what I was targeting in my response. I’m not denying whether or not you intentionally broke this rule, but I am saying that the ban only happened because you did. Basically, what popstarfreas said still stands for that response; if a rule is broken, and the punishment is dished out, can that be held as unfair in the perspective of why you were banned?

As the above says, I will need this step to be repeated for this appeal, the same way it was done in your previous.


Ive broken the rule “advertising”


Generally, what I was looking for was this. However, as I said a few times, you did do this on your previous appeal, so this is good enough.
Can you tell me whether or not your in-game name is the same as here, and if not, what it is?


The username was PepRMnt and i cant rly remember the pass


Since you have essentially done what this appeal needed, and it’s considerably easy to not send any form of IP through the chat, i have unbanned you. As the rule for advertising says, sharing any server IP can be directly done via /w (/whisper)
Appeal Accepted.