I didn’t say otherwise. Rather than saying it is untrue, I am saying I don’t believe that this was why you decided to use a client in its entirety.
In case there was a misconception, you did use item hacks in Survival. Listing the hacks you used doesn’t help this appeals outcome in any way, nor does it answer anything I said.
Viewing the situation in such a way is a ‘dangerous’ way to do so. An analogy for the said reason in this case was “survival didn’t play out the way i wanted it to, so I hacked.” This can apply to a multitude of scenarios, where each can end with the use of hacks.
I’ll need to know if you understand why viewing things with such a mindset is not okay, and why it should not be viewed in any way an “excuse” for hacking. Additionally, i’ll need you to read, and copy and paste the rule(s) you broke from here, and tell me whether or not you agree to following these said rule(s).