Ban 2 people, one is not cheating

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
yes i might be breaking the rules on purpose

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
ok it’s fair to me because i use cheat but to my little brother it’s not fair because he play without cheat my brother id and i are same. the same thing appears banned id 9879

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
actually i deserve to be banned but please unban my younger brother who doesn’t cheat


what do you like?



All bans are by IP address, which means there is no way we can alter the ban to only affect you and not your brother as well, if they even exist.


I was careless by accidentally turning on the cheat for the server


[quote=“Tru3thful, post:4, topic:14397”]
Why? answer : I have a cheat but never for the server, but it accidentally turns on and without realizing it the cheat is on and when I just want to kill myself in gamemodes I don’t get a knockback. after that in the chat there was slapped damage 1000, then it was 10000 and 10000 again and I got banned


How did this happen? Over the course of 3 rounds, there were several times where you just stood still and attacked enemies, or moved around a little bit and passed right through them. You were able to deal damage and move just fine, but you never showed any behaviors of a laggy client, to the point where it looked like you were fine abusing the godmode you had. If turning on godmode was truly an accident, were 3 rounds of normal gameplay without you not taking damage not enough time for you to realize something was wrong?


2 rounds before my friend played it


3rd round when I met you. that’s where i just played


So how is that relevant to you cheating? In the rounds that I observed you playing, you were using godmode. That’s not to say that if you were playing with it when a staff member wasn’t in the lobby it woud be justified, that’d still be breaking the rules. You were caught breaking the rules and were punished accordingly for it. The questions I asked previously about how you didn’t notice your godmode if it was on “by accident” still stand.


my friend wants to borrow a cellphone to play the server on gamemodes. I remember, I’ve turned off godmode in the cheat menu. I gave my cell phone to borrow. I also gave my phone to play 2 rounds. After my friend played 2 rounds, I immediately played in the third round. when I just idly killed myself. I’m not hit by knockback and damage, I’m confused. (in my heart I said: the extortion mode godmode just now has been turned off). and I was slapped 1000 after that another 10,000 and another 10,000 and I was banned


and now my friend who yesterday borrowed my phone, somehow my friend is no longer playing at my house


You knowingly let your friend, if they exist, borrow your device to play on the server using a modified client? That alone tells me that you can’t be very trustworthy, given that you’re deliberately logging in to the server with said modified client and then just turning it off when you’re playing to not have an unfair advantage, if you were even doing that. If it wasn’t you who was doing it, you passed the ownership of your character at the time to whoever was doing it, which is a separate reason why I don’t think you can be trusted to be allowed back into the server; if you’re allowing someone completely out of your control to log in to the server to play with the same options you have (in this case, a modified client) and they use those options, the repercussions will be pushed to you due to it being your character, and thus your responsibility. Pushing the blame to your friend (if they even exist) will do nothing here for you.

I observed and recorded your character (character referring to whoever was playing on your account at the time) playing during the end of round 3, the entirety of rounds 4 and 5, and through a good portion of round 6.

During round 3, your character could be seen moving about a little bit and aiming your magic while blatantly standing inside enemies:

This continues into round 4:

If your claims of your “friend” only playing 2 rounds are true, then this is where you had started playing. In round 5, your usage of your godmode continues:

You never showed any signs of stopping or disabling it; instead you continued to use it to try and kill enemies without needing to move around much. The whole time, you even deliberately moved out of enemy stacks to try and kill them better. If it was truly an accident, I don’t see how you could’ve missed this happening throughout the round.

Then, on the 6th round, I used /slap on you for additional evidence. Just before I ran the /slap’s, you were trying to kill enemies and admittedly not doing a great job at it, giving them ample time to kill you. And indeed, you were overlapping with enemy hitboxes for a noticeable amount of time, plenty enough that you should’ve been able to notice if it was truly an accident. But you instead continued attacking normally as if nothing was wrong, and then I used /slap on you. With the damage hits being forced onto you, you did seem to stop for a moment, but you didn’t die, and then you seemed to continue fighting for a moment before you were banned.

What extortion? There’s no extortion happening here. You broke the rules of the server and you were banned as a result. I never threatened you or anything of the like beforehand. As well, your godmode was active for presumably your whole playing session (if it wasn’t, then it was at least for the 4 ish rounds that I observed you), so I don’t see where it could’ve been turned off there.

I find it hard to trust you given that you admitted to knowingly breaking the rules, then attempted to pass it off as an accident. After I bring up the large amount of time where you could’ve noticed something wasn’t right (in that your character was immortal), you bring up a friend that was playing first and had apparently turned on the godmode before handing the controls back to you. Even if that was what happened, after you started playing there was still ample time to notice that you were had godmode before you were banned. As a result, this appeal is denied because either you’re lying about the events leading up to your ban or you’re sharing your playing experience with other people in your household while deliberately having a modified client available. To me, either of those mean that it’s not possible to trust that you will follow the rules on the server.