Audio and Particle Cues

I’m still wishing for timewarp to have a projectile representing where you will teleport back to. Unless there’s a particle effect that stands out and lasts long enough?


I absolutely love these!


maybe if you buy health from a heatlh chest, the particles from the love potion appear?
(also is there a list of particle IDS?)

ID Internal Name Notes
00 Keybrand
01 FlameWaders
02 StellarTune
03 WallOfFleshGoatMountFlames
04 BlackLightningHit
05 RainbowRodHit
06 BlackLightningSmall
07 StardustPunch
08 PrincessWeapon
09 PaladinsHammer
10 NightsEdge
11 SilverBulletSparkle
12 TrueNightsEdge
13 Excalibur
14 TrueExcalibur
15 TerraBlade
16 ChlorophyteLeafCrystalPassive
17 ChlorophyteLeafCrystalShot Has around ~200 variants, varying in greenness
18 AshTreeShake
19 PetExchange
20 SlapHand Invisible. Plays a sound
21 FlyMeal Invisible. Plays a sound
22 GasTrap
23 ItemTransfer
24 ShimmerArrow
25 TownSlimeTransform Has three variants, for each type of slime transformation
26 LoadoutChange
27 ShimmerBlock
28 Digestion
29 WaffleIron Invisible. Plays a sound
30 PooFly
31 ShimmerTownNPC
32 ShimmerTownNPCSend

I didn’t include some of them in my earlier post with gifs(Fly Meal, Slap Hand, Waffle Iron) because some are purely auditory, there’s nothing to render


I believe if we want that a particle would be better, since they require less effort(some particles allow us to set life time through AI) and are more controllable. Particles are currently-spawn only and there isn’t a particle that lasts long enough


Either the Chlorophyte Leaf Crystal Passive or the Terra Blade effects could be used for Shaman’s heal aura.


yeah thats pretty nice

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