Attach the Terraria Server Rules to DG's welcome message

Alternatively you can take the following and modify it into something shorter;

The following is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long, most of these rules are “common sense” rules; if you have no intention of offending other players, harming the server, and/or gaining certain unfair advantages, then you will already be following most of these rules.

Specifically speaking,

The following is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long

Unless you add the link to the forum rules beforehand, to look something like

Dark Gaming - Terraria Server Rules
The link above is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long, most of these rules are “common sense” rules; if you have no intention of offending other players, harming the server, and/or gaining certain unfair advantages, then you will already be following most of these rules.