Attach the Terraria Server Rules to DG's welcome message

As said in the tittle, this may not be a significant suggestion but I have not seen any messages reffering to the Server Rules while in game. How new users are going to get all the information?

This is the current welcome message, I’d like if we could add the Dark Gaming - Terraria Server Rules link to it.

It wouldn’t really make a difference because most new people either won’t see the link or are too lazy to go to the post.

A better way is to have a simplified (that still includes all relevant information) text that is said either when a person joins the server for the first time or when someone uses /rules.

It could also link the complete rules if needed


Perhaps, it wouldn’t change that much, but I think it’s important to have it like any other server. The entire rules would be massive in the terraria chat, and plus /rules is a forgotten command that still shows the player to find the rules in warp rules.


The simplified rules wouldn’t be that big, for example, S5 #1 can be shortened down to “Do not use Modified Clients.”


Maybe works,but even of that, the people doesn’t read the rules,because they dont want,
acording with the data,17,236 people have reached the 1 trust level badge, but the post of the rules only has 8,700 views
, and this is without counting tha most of people just go here to make a ban appeal,and then they forgets that this forum exists, leaving with us with an aproximated of just 8000 people that TRULY readed the rules
,leaving us with 47% ,and if you want to make worse the things, there are people that forgets his/her password and makes a second account


Now that I look at the rules, it would be too big


You can put a short version alongside it like “If it ruins others’ experiences, it’s likely not allowed”


Now, what about a link to the rules in the forum, that way they’ll know all the rules!


yeah, that’s what the suggestion is about

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Maybe this should be removed from the Message of the Day, because it only applies for players who have an account on the DTP - which is a minority of players.

Perhaps this should be replaced by another message that briefly lists the server’s rules or, alternatively, a message and link that urges the player to make an account on the DTP.


Anything that is related to Server Rules/FAQ is already good.


Alternatively you can take the following and modify it into something shorter;

The following is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long, most of these rules are “common sense” rules; if you have no intention of offending other players, harming the server, and/or gaining certain unfair advantages, then you will already be following most of these rules.

Specifically speaking,

The following is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long

Unless you add the link to the forum rules beforehand, to look something like

Dark Gaming - Terraria Server Rules
The link above is the complete list of Rules. While this thread may seem long, most of these rules are “common sense” rules; if you have no intention of offending other players, harming the server, and/or gaining certain unfair advantages, then you will already be following most of these rules.

Which one is better?
  • Link linking to the rules
  • Shortened version of the rules in-game

0 voters


I have a idea for that,

I really don’t know about that things,but you maybe can add a welcome message to that dimension
For example: “welcome to the gamemodes dimension!”, so in that you can add the simplificated rules of THAT dimension,so you won’t will overcharge the chat


There’s more than just dimension rules. It’s mostly why I suggested what I did. It contains both the link to the rules as well as a “brief explanation” for nearly all rules, on the dimension where everyone accesses the server.
Cohesiveness is also a factor to be applied. Even if it’s shortened the rules should be explained well enough that it’s understandable. That might take a fair share of space


Can something like this be appended to the Message of the Day:

Type /rules for a list of rules on this server

Currently, /rules displays this message:

This can be expanded upon to list a brief description of the server’s rules, since it already has a link.


That seems like the optimal option. That message itself is short and pretty much tells you the purpose(that be, to look and hopefully read/gain awareness towards the rules) and shouldn’t infringe upon any space argument due to the fact that it would prompt a response instead of being one that’s relayed on it’s own. You’re essentially looking for an explanation, lengthy or not if you type /rules