Arkhalis Lightwings ban

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Arkhalis Lightwings

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Ban them.

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
Their trails create a lot of server side lag which reduces enjoyability for everyone.
They can also create fps lag on bad devices.

[Anything else you would like to note]
They might not be the most overused thing but the massive lag they can cause definitely deserve it a ban.

Never saw them



Fortunately, as actual equipment, they’re already banned.

Unfortunately, though, my guess at the problem is attempting to ban it from being in vanity slots, because… reasons? I’m no developer so I don’t have any guesses on the matter.


I just tested this. Entering the pvp dimension with it in vanity slots gets it deleted. Entering a pvp area with it in either vanity or equipment gets it deleted. It only seems that you can sit outside of the pvp areas with it in equipment.


Perhaps ban it in most dimensions, similar to how Portal Gun is banned? I would imagine it causes similar lag in PvE and Survival.