Are there any acceptable ways to "AFK" while playing zombies?

So there is a rule against AFKing in zombies lobbies unless everyone is ok with it. Is this rule still violated if the AFK person donates points at the end of every round?

This technically isn’t being AFK but could still be not allowed, though I’m not sure.


I don’t know if this is against the rules, but in my opinion this shouldn’t be allowed as you only donate it at the end of the round letting them do everything alone, instead of actively helping your teammates and making sure that they can pass the round.


Well the issue with being AFK is that, youll gain free points at the end of the round while everyone else is doing the work, making it a potential exploit for free points


Since the inactive one is probably at safety and well… not afk, they can be some kinda person that slowly revives everyone if everyone else dies.

That could counter this argument:


“slowly revive everyone” this is basically impossible for one person to do especially for a person who has no armor (and maybe not even a weapon on some maps) as he can’t really protect himself and will just instantly get one shot by everything. Also for example: “Round 12” the Sand Elementals spawn, everyone dies, somehow the only “afk” person lives, explain to me how he would revive everyone in such a situation.

A different story can also be the “afk” person dies, and the other people don’t revive him because he is doing nothing, and then as one of the others kills the last enemy he/she will lose all of the points.


This will probably not happen because the person should’ve died in an unrevivable not safe spot (which is not the strat I’m talking abt) and this can happen with normal players a bit more easily.

This kinda thing only works in a select few maps, the only one I know is Lunar Mineshafts where the little bunker is a safe spot (for the most part) and Lunar Mineshafts has a summoner class, making the inactive player be able to purchase summons in the house and use them to slowly clear out outside enemies when everyone else dies.

I’ve used this strat twice with somebody else in an expert zombies lobby to try and get valiant, it was very successful.


how is this not going to happen, you are running around with Round 1 Gear, 0 credits and literally nothing to protect yourself. Its only possible in rounds where there are no Wandering eyes/gastropods or just basically rounds where no projectiles are being shot at you, and you will get overrun by the monsters if the players aren’t at the end where there is just a single monster alive.

As for your strat with the little bunker sure it might work on that map considering that its before round 12 as you don’t stand a single chance against the Sand Elementals.

But guess what all of these Situations can be avoided by actually helping the team instead of just being “afk”


You get points from hits, Lunar Mineshafts is one of the easiest point farm maps

I’m repeating this statement again, this is actually pretty useful as the “afk” person acts as the worst case scenario lifesaver, and can even use an emitter sentry or coward (well most of the abilities benefit this strat including Guardian) to further improve the process.

After a certain point this strat will probably become useless and hard to pull off, but in pre-endgame rounds you can probably avoid something that completely wipes out your team like overwhelming flying enemies.

This argument should probably stop, as the main point of this topic is whether if this is allowed or not (though now that I fleshed out the whole thing it seems more like a strategy rather than being afk).


It sounds like alt accs, someone could make another account and join the same lobby, afk then donate themselves points, maybe fall under exploiting? Idek

On another note, for me personally, idrm if the person afking actually upgraded themselves (prepared for the next round) and help others once in awhile then goes back to afk, what I can’t accept is if the person just afk without actually helping other players


This post hasn’t been resolved yet… can I get confirmation about this topic?


Being AFK in a normal lobby is against the rules because it’s a liability in nearly every scenario. If you’re not actively contributing but still pay attention and give your points out, or just give a helping hand when its needed, you aren’t really AFKing, you just technically aren’t “playing the game properly”. It’s not really against the rules, but its still something that can be considered ‘unreasonable’ to people, so I’d still just recommend you stick to a lobby where you know the other players don’t mind if you’re doing that.

AFKing for extended periods of time tabbed out, doing something like watching YouTube, only to tab back in once every while just to give points out is a different matter, with the difference from above being “paying attention.” If you have no intention to actually pay attention to the lobby you’re in, just don’t join a lobby at that point.


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