Aqua Scepter nerf

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Aqua Scepter

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Nerf the base damage by 2-5 and lower the cap by the same amount plus 3-4 more

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
Aqua Scepter is still extremely strong in mage loadouts even after the nerf. It can hit cap on high defense loadouts even without a glass cannon kit from the user, and outdamages Paladin’s Hammer, Elf Melter, Light Disc, etc. The high cap is probably more of a problem than the actual base damage, but both could use a minor-medium nerf

[Anything else you would like to note]
EG 3-0d me with it and then 0-4 without it lol kinda strong

agreed tbh


Your forgetting how garbage the range becomes when you use it overhead due to it being affected by gravity, something that 3 of the other weapons you mention do not suffer this problem


You make it sound like that completely removes the effectiveness of the weapon, but its barely an inconvience; people aren’t directly above you most of the time, if they are you can just move up with them, and lastly, the range isnt even that bad when its straight up, only slightly less than when it’s directly horizontal.


i feel like i should be more clear on why it should be nerfed
it was trivially easy to get max damage (88) on it. I didn’t even need to invest in any magic damage armor/accessories, i was just using my standard hybrid loadout to reach said damage.
To bring up skemor’s point, no, the weapon’s effectiveness doesn’t get worse if your opponent is above, however, it does get better if your opponent is below you. It almost hits offscreen when i fire directly downward.
The range of this weapon is honestly also an issue, as it not only goes further if your opponent is below and to the left/right of you, but it already outranged all the other most effective close range weapons.
I feel it would be fine if the weapon kept its velocity in favor of nerfing its damage so it’s more of a longer range close quarters weapon, or the velocity can be nerfed so it’s more in line with the alternatives.
Also, i don’t know if this is exactly true, but it feels like this weapon hits more often than phammer/phatchet, even if there is a decent amount of melee speed put into those. That could also be a reason why the damage is so high post-nerf.
Another thing i should bring up is the amount of area it covers. Phammer covers the area in front of you for a decent amount of time, but aqua scepter shoots constantly, giving it a more generous hitbox.
tl;dr range is kinda large for a weapon with this damage, it probably hits too often, and its easier to hit people with than the alternatives.


I tested this more in FFA and it’s even more overpowered than I initially thought

-Hits cap basically every single hit except in extreme cases (e.g. full warding high def armor)
-Goes far enough to go offscreen when shooting downward, which is its main purpose
-Has a range much longer than Paladin’s Hammer in most caes and longer than Elf Melter when shotting more than ~30 degres downward
-Hits 4 times a second at most (2 at least usually) doing 88 each time makes it 264 - 352 dps on average
-Kills in 3 seconds which isn’t that much (worse than some broadswords) but its versatility makes it extremely strong
-The only disadvantage is that you have to be above your opponent by at least a slight amount, which is fairly easy and probably makes it harder for them to hit you with some other weapons


You should keep in mind that ffa can be unreliable for damage testing because randoms tend to be made out of paper but pretty much everything else you said here is true


Yeah, i was able to hit cap on uzi when i hit a rando before it got buffed because they don’t have proper gear


I tested it on other competent players too including Blanc


I’m not going to mark this as accepted or close it yet, but the recent changes for aqua scepter generally change how it performs. It will be a bit different for people who are used to it, but it should be a bit more consistent now.
Give me thoughts below this comment on if it’s still too strong, or if it has somehow been made even stronger.