Currently, you are only allowed to have one in-progress
map. I find that limiting, because when you are done with it, it could take a while for it to be fully approved. Having the ability to work on other maps while waiting would speed up the arrival of new maps, and also allow two maps to be approved in one go. I think three maps maximum could be allowed at once, or maybe two if that’s too much.
This would promote garbage, small maps being made every hour.
Well yeah that’s why the max would be two or three
(btw, this isn’t enforced by Rofle and I’m the one that decided on it)
I did this for many reasons, one of them is pressuring you to either finish old maps or mark them as abandoned. Otherwise, map submissions would end up with multiple abandoned maps marked as in-progress.
It also encourages you to work on one map at a time, to take your time on each map, and not speed them up. Having the ability to create multiple submissions would mean the testing would be sped up and the maps would be, in general, worse quality.
I’m not necessarily speeding to see new maps at the moment, so I don’t see why this is needed.