Advertising Campaign / DP MLM

YARN | You may be onto something. | Dr. Ken (2015) - S02E12 Ken's New  Intern | Video gifs by quotes | b9b27304 | 紗


that might have a slight issue, see, that would break the whole ‘no scamming’ rule…


Hmm… You have a point… We could create our own currency!


i dont see how that translates to dp


You see, we could create a currency, called “Bitpoints” or something like that. Then, we could say that each Bitpoint is worth 10 DP, and there are only… say, 100 Bitpoints in existence. The trick is getting people to accept Bitpoints as a currency.

Each of us holds 50 Bitpoints, and we can distribute them instead of paying for stuff, or in exchange for paying for stuff. Bitpoints would slowly increase in value, and as long as people keep track of how many Bitpoints they have, Bitpoints could eventually be worth 100s of DP.


that would work without breaking any rules, and would work and be profitable for everybody involved…
but until the transfer option comes back, this would be too costly to be profitable.


No, that’s just it! We can advertise it as something usable without the transfer option, to start.

You can move around BitPoints™ without using the transfer option provided by the DTP system!

Even better, We can use a separate topic as a way to keep track of where BitPoints™ are. If you want to transfer BitPoints™, say how many you are transferring and to whom in that topic. That way, it’s easy to keep track of how many BitPoints™ are in circulation.

Alternatively, if people want to keep the slightly Secretive Aspect of DP as they currently are, we could instead make it so that to transfer BitPoints™, they have to DM us how many they are transferring.


hmmm… you’re onto something here.

we should make a DM where we invite people who want to participate and we make trades there.


Erhm,… I think this needs to be discussed with staff whether that’s ok.


Thinking about it, theres one flaw that is overlooked… How will this react to the DP itself since it only seems monitored by the staff and server so you can’t physically change that. But if so, you would still need staff permission and a certain way of going about this.


The way it would react to DP is simple: It wouldn’t react to it at all.

This would be a completely arbitrary currency that is only worth what people think it’s worth. In order to make sure that nobody gives any BP that they don’t have, there would be a channel in which someone keeps track of how much everyone has.

In the end, if someone wants to trade some amount of BP for some amount of DP or Credits, they can do that, and we can’t control it.

Now, of course, we would talk to staff about this before we do anything since this is kinda walking a line between within the rules and outside the rules.


As stated

This would interfere with DP because trading them will allow a DP or credit gain and only the staff and server can change this. But, Im not denying that this is a good idea, at the same time, it’s difficult because us players cannot edit our DP or credit to reflect this new currency


I don’t think you’re understanding what I am saying here.

BP is completely arbitrary. They don’t affect your DP at all.

The Value of BP is only what you think it is. If you want BP, you need to talk to someone who has BP and find some way to get it from them, through either trading or through gifting.

Yes, you could get DP from BP, but only by trading the two with another player.


I hate you, I don’t know what this is, and I just want people to see the pretty colors of the Zenith.


zenith no pretty colors, if you want colors go touch Terraprisma


But they don’t do anything, so I can’t see their colors!

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